Key takeaway from #aea … A modern website will NOT look the same in all browsers. So quit bitchin and embrace it. #css3
Porter not potted. Stupid ipad #aea
#aea I enforce global IP aggressively and I will take action against AEA delegates using animated gifs. Please write that bit down. Thanks.
Dust ke selectors extension #aea
Mobile design is all about adaption #aea
Looking to meet some #aea peeps. I’m the guy with a shirt featuring a guy punching a bear. Come say hi.
@jgarber @ryanhoonlaverty I completely agree. That makes no semantic sense. #aea
Today was awesome at #aea and i get to do it all again tomorrow. Woopie.
Amen to the underscore hack. I use it all the time. #aea
“pinch and spread things” … sounds kinky #aea
Got an Apple ipad, Google nexus one, and a Microsoft Zune for An Event Apart today. I’m not very brand loyal. #aea
Styling ID is great for setting up columns. #aea
Yes! Hover cannot be considered an intentional interaction on a mobile device. I activate them accidentally on my *desktop*. @lukew #aea
Made it to An Event Apart on time. Sitting in the front row. #aea
Not sure about this ‘not styling IDs’ and have class driven styles .that on top of the things aren’t semantic (.h1, .h2 etc…) … :/ #aea
In other words, mobile is like the great open frontier ready to be explored #aea
It’s ironic that Theres a slide up saying knowledge is for everyone yet we’re discouraged from sharing the slides publicly #aea
Find and replace is really why I use Dreamweaver as my coding tool of choice. No need to figure out grep.#aea
If you’re not into web design and nerdy stuff, sorry! You might want to just unfollow me for the next three days. #aea