Some professional news… I spent the last few months working on the Biden-Harris Transition Team. It was an incredible and humbling experience helping to prepare an administration inheriting many dire crises. A thread.
Some professional news… I spent the last few months working on the Biden-Harris Transition Team. It was an incredible and humbling experience helping to prepare an administration inheriting many dire crises. A thread.
I spent October 2016 embedded in the Unaccompanied Children program. The vast majority are placed with family members, typically verified through birth certificates and sometimes DNA testing. /1 twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/9…
A special thank you to all my fellow @WordPressDC @WordCampDC organizers, past and present. We came together last night for a photo… #WCDC t.co/1VbzYKHkM1
No. Wrong. White House laptops can only reach the internet through a secured VPN tunnel.
(But I bet many fewer will RT this.) twitter.com/AngryWHStaffer/statu…
Really excited that the WordPress Foundation will support @hackthehood @internetarchive @BlackGirlsCode next year. All very important. #wcus
Soon, WordPress.org will only be recommending hosts that ship HTTPS certificates and PHP7 by default: wordpress.org/news/2016/12/movin…
Some personal news: I’ve joined the White House’s U.S. Digital Service nacin.com/2015/03/29/us-digital-… @USDS
Security releases don’t get much more coordinated than this one. Major props to the Drupal team and @Nirgoldshlager: poststat.us/wordpress-and-drupal…
“My main concern in regards to WordPress architecture is the little amount of attention paid to backward compatibility.”
Oh FFS I give up.
At #wcphilly, @aaronjorbin is wearing his Bagger Vance costume.
WordPress 3.9
Let’s make the date official
It’s April 16
DC’s WordPress, PHP & jQuery groups are looking for sponsors for our 3rd annual open source BBQ on June 18: [email protected] #dctech #ossbbq
I’m speaking at @DCPHP tonight! Hear about the hoops WordPress jumps through to make sure it works everywhere. meetup.com/DC-PHP/events/1100168…
Single mom making $260,000 a year: Can anyone look at this and not admit @WSJ is out of touch? online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142… via @norcross
“a proprietary content management system built from scratch”. Dear Reuters: sigh. capitalnewyork.com/article/media…
RT @Jtsternberg: I’m tortured by ideas I don’t have any time to implement.
Accessibility is important. So, let’s scare the speakers away! $375 fee to present. cc @paul_irish csun.edu/cod/conference/2013/ope… via @aaronjorbin
“When you have to train someone to use your content management system, you’ve already failed.” — @yurivictor at #wpdc.
Why why why do people recommend this? #headdesk RT @catswhocode: How to disable plugin updates on your WordPress blog bit.ly/I6Wzkx
I was also glad I could use my skills at taking down sites for good.
Erstwhile @USDS, @ObamaWhiteHouse, @WordPress Lead Developer. Tweets are my own. Vote.