Don’t make me scroll through a massive country list full of places that people will never order from!

Don’t make me scroll through a massive country list full of places that people will never order from!
Don’t make your problem with SPAM my issue! I shouldn’t have to prove I am human. I am your customer! #timewaster
Does anybody actually use force touch? It feels like a feature that nobody needs.
The thinking in this article is in line with my mantra of thinking about problems and not solutions. boag.me/1Fkz4De
I am amazed at how few companies have a pattern library in place. I guess it is because internal teams lack time. — bit.ly/1BlwisH
Love this quote – “no line of instruction will compensate for a bad design.“ — bit.ly/1rxbKWY
I’m fed up with departments who act like fiefdoms, forcing users into meaningless silos, making task completion unnecessarily complex.
Social sharing icons – yeah, there a waste of time. bit.ly/1j1mhqt
Do you have a project that you would like to see featured on season 9 of the Boagworld Show – Submit ideas here – boagworld.com/featured-projects/
Love it! A whole website dedicated to bad form design bit.ly/1gHG9hM
Dear designers, never show a design to a client before you have shown it to your developer.
So if it’s okay to take a photo with an iPhone but not an iPad, what about an iPad mini? It’s these kinds of moral questions I struggle with
Okay people. That is quite enough with the retweets. Half my timeline is full of retweets. We need to start having some original thoughts.
Can everybody just stop posting stuff on the internet so I have time to catch up.
I don’t get Facebook chat heads. Why would I want an icon permanently covering screen elements when I could have a notification instead?
Sleep is a strange thing if you think about. Our bodies feel the need to be essentially unconscious for almost a third of the time #wasteful
Love this! The best accessible design is design that everybody (even those with no disability) can benefit from. bit.ly/TsswGH
So not only has Apple taken a step back by dropping google maps they are also removing YouTube. If you want ton remove an app, remove stocks
Twilight – a girls choice between necrophilia and bestiality.
My latest rant: Stop obsessing over HTML5 and CSS3 -j.mp/koaf8d
I am a user experience consultant, speaker & author of Digital Adaptation. I help companies meet the needs of digital consumers. For more see @boagworks.