Are you a wordpress freelancer? My friends at thedream.us are looking for a quick contractor to help them out. @, DM or email me.
Are you a wordpress freelancer? My friends at thedream.us are looking for a quick contractor to help them out. @, DM or email me.
it was great seeing @nacin, @kingkool68, @lelandf & the rest of the @WordPressDC crowd again. let’s not wait another 9 months!
@markjaquith When snowfall was super popular I made a habit of asking people what the story was about. No one ever really knew.
“Using pixels is not very polite” – @vasilis on font sizing and media queries. A good read: nerd.vasilis.nl/using-pixels-pol…
From the Expedia team: we’ve found that the native controls are always more usable & accessible than what can be created. #aeasea
Paul Taylor on the Daily Show now, sounding like every old man at a dinner party ever.
UX designer job description:
• loves Sharpies
• hates Photoshop
Please bring own high horse.
Post-it notes supplied.
<) )╯Is there
( (> gluten in
<) )> these waffles?
I would just run inside Aeropostale if there was a mall shooting. Nobody ever goes in there.
The panic over people being able to send me email via Google+ is ridiculous. Any asshat can send you email. Just filter it.
Idea from @kingkool68 and @greglinch: decaying/dead JS library meetup. As your library dies, we honor you (and maybe let you talk about it.)
iOS 7 totally ripped off this microwave:
“How is this news? This is my entire life.” -Every developer ever
“I wanted a flying car and all I got was a way for the entire planet to communicate instantly via massively powerful pocket computers.”
The roads of North Virginia are full of horrible people who should really not be driving.
Keys to submitting bug reports for WordPress #wcbalt
WordPress 3.6.1 Maintenance and Security Release: wp.me/pZhYe-H9
It’s International Lefthanders Day! lefthandersday.com/
Hey everybody: did we have a productive day interacting with Brands?
HASHTAG the future
Don’t be scared of refactoring.
Be scared of building an unmaintainable piece of crap.
PWA developer, consultant, author, and immigrant.
Architected Starbucks’ PWA.
Owner: anesthesiacharting.com
My latest book: read.reduxbook.com