Any time somebody suggests they can do a top-down redesign of the web and that it would be way better I remember when we spent half a decade trying to persuade ourselves that XHTML was a great idea and being completely wrong about that.
Any time somebody suggests they can do a top-down redesign of the web and that it would be way better I remember when we spent half a decade trying to persuade ourselves that XHTML was a great idea and being completely wrong about that.
<h1>The Angle Bracket <em>FINAL FOUR</em>!</h1>
What a ride it’s been! Thousands of people have voted in every round over the last week and it’s all come down to this, an absolute travesty of the web that we’re about to shrink even further down to just 2 tags.
Alright folks, literally thousands of people voted in round 3 and it was a total bloodbath. Welcome to round 4, where every game is a nightmare, pitting brother against brother! twitter.com/seldo/status/1459957…
Welcome to round 3! Round 2 saw all but the strongest eliminated. There were some shockers: every single <h*> is out, <blockquote> is gone, <br> and <b> both failed to make the cut. But that’s nothing compared to the match-ups in round 3. Round 3 is CHAOTIC. twitter.com/seldo/status/1459957…
Thanks to everyone who voted in round 1 of The Angle Bracket. Half the competitors have been eliminated and it’s time for round two! twitter.com/seldo/status/1459957…
I wanna do a March Madness style bracket competition where everybody votes for their favorite HTML tags but there are 111 tags in the first round, which at 4 options per poll is 28 twitter polls just for round 1, who is going to vote in that many polls?
If your web app design means the back button doesn’t work your app is, from the user’s perspective, broken.
Stuck in lockdown? Why not kill 15 minutes and help the community by filling out the JAMstack community survey! If you do anything with web sites, we want to hear from you: surveymonkey.com/r/jamstack-surv…
I don’t have any advice here. Computers are shitty clocks and we don’t have any plans to fix this.
The last 10 years of web development have just been a long, slow walk back to the fantastic developer ergonomics and resilience of a PHP web app.
Dropbox in 2007 could not have been simpler: it was just a folder. You put files in it, they showed up everywhere else. 2019 Dropbox is a confusing mess of feature bloat waiting to be disrupted by a product that does 90% less stuff. twitter.com/chrissyteigen/status…
Also: this means client side apps are now all server side apps and the thing you use to connect to Mighty is a Browser Browser.
Soon we will add tabs to the Browser Browser. Then we will add Browser Browser Side Scripting. Then Browser Browser frameworks for those scripts. Then
If anyone ever gets access to my Google search history they’ll discover that I actually don’t know how to program at all.
Death to special snowflake architectures. 99% of problems have been solved before. Do it the way other devs will understand quickly.
A web developer. Data analyst at @Netlify. Comedy-historian. Co-founded @npmjs, started lgbtq.technology. @heyjovo’s husband. He/him. π³οΈβππΉπΉπ¬π§πΊπΈ