@JoannaBrenner @mr_suh @nekolaweb So many people thought I was a DJ that night…
@JoannaBrenner @mr_suh @nekolaweb So many people thought I was a DJ that night…
@nekolaweb The rocket emoji indicates they’re talking about lightyears… uh… per hour.
@nekolaweb @ncvetnic Man I can’t imagine going through this for the first time during a pandemic. Best of luck.
@nekolaweb Remember Marble Madness?
@nekolaweb It’s all about dollar cost averaging.
On the bright side once you have a kid you won’t have any time to notice those alerts.
@nekolaweb Womp womp
@beepybop @nekolaweb @MeCookieMonster @AbbyCadabbySST @mpiccorossi @JessSchillinger @JoannaBrenner I find this all so so aPEELing
@nekolaweb This one was the best ONA twitter.com/kingkool68/status/51…
@nekolaweb cuz he’s weird.
@nekolaweb @aigadc Florida looks the best.
@nekolaweb @ONA Pro tip: Don’t forget to show up to the wedding.
@nekolaweb @mpiccorossi @JoannaBrenner @JessSchillinger @beepybop And yet Plurk is still around and kicking russellheimlich.com/blog/plurk-b…
@nekolaweb Slowing sales is real and right now. 3D printing is only a potential in the future.
@nekolaweb @ONA @davematthewsbnd He doesn’t sound like I think he would sound like talking.
@nekolaweb @aaronjorbin Submit it anyway!
@nekolaweb 100%. Because we’re local.
@nekolaweb Is this you’re barber?!?!
@nekolaweb I imagine you’re the pink shorts guy
@nekolaweb I don’t trust sites that don’t have a flash version
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.