If I can’t access your content from my mobile device your content doesn’t exist. Period. #aea

Cleaning up & structuring your desktop content now is an important 1st step to get ready for mobile. Good content transcends platform. #aea

The digital divide is real: differences in access exist across demographic groups and income levels. pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Dig… #aea

I’m not ashamed of my fetish for mainframes and you shouldn’t be either. Brochures from @computerhistory: computerhistory.org/brochures/in… #aea

reminder sponsorships for 4th Annual Accessibility Camp DC (Oct. 13) opened today. Registration opens August 14. bit.ly/NcXqhB #aea

Hey #aea – if you need more #rwd, I’m teaching a hands-on responsive web design workshop for @dcww on 8/14 in DC. responsivewebdesign.eventbrite.c…

Solve the parts, not the whole problem. #aea

Carousels. Great. #aea

“You can’t mock up performance in Photoshop.” @brad_frost #aea

Don’t Fear the Internet a guide to HTML and CSS for non designers dontfeartheinternet.com/ #aea

Nerdy conferencing. An Event Apart DC 2012 #aea flic.kr/p/cLEG4u

An Event Apart 2012 playlist is always a good mix last.fm/user/zeldman/library/pla… #aea

I’m so glad I work on a website that doesn’t have ads. Makes life so much easier #aea

@freshyill I except snarky tweets about #aea all day from you even if you are afar.

@chipcullen You making your way to #aea this year?

It’s nerd conference time again so I’ll be geeking out on my other account @RussellHeimlich #aea

An Event Apart 2012 Swag pi.pe/-4tu3vl #aea

Feeling way better. Psyched for tomorrow’s show! #aea