Did you know when you capitalize the first letter of each word in your hashtag, it’s easier for everyone to read?
And screen readers will announce each word separately.
Compare #MakeItEasyToRead to #makeiteasytoread .
Did you know when you capitalize the first letter of each word in your hashtag, it’s easier for everyone to read?
And screen readers will announce each word separately.
Compare #MakeItEasyToRead to #makeiteasytoread .
A pet peeve: link text of “here”, “click here”, or “go here.”
Did you know screen readers bring up list of links on a page?
A list of:
1. here
2. click here
3. go here
isn’t helpful.
Craft meaningful link text that makes sense out of context.
We’ve known for years now that multiple H1s on a page are NOT a real problem for #accessibility. Finally here’s an official Google confirmation to a hunch I’ve had all along. Pages with multiple H1s are also NOT a problem for #SEO.
RT far & wide people!
If you’re going to write about accessibility, don’t publish your post on @Medium. It’s not accessible, doesn’t offer alt text for images. Despite multiple requests over the years, @MediumSupport has no plans to improve accessibility on their site. #a11y #accessibility
Basically, one way to help your site be accessible is to structure your content as if CSS doesn’t exist. A lot of users don’t navigate your site visually. Using this line of thinking will help a lot with #accessibility.
#WPCampus is excited to announce our selection of @TenonAPI to conduct an #accessibility audit of the Gutenberg #WordPress content editor. wpcampus.org/2019/01/gutenberg-a…
It’s 20-fucking-13, start using <label>’s with your checkboxes and radio buttons. C’mon people. #usability #accessibility #commonsense #fb
Plz RT: If you care about #WordPress #accessibility, @DavidAKennedy is working on an accessible #WP theme. Tweet him w/ yr ideas.
The first Global #Accessibility Awareness Day May 9 get involved @gbla11yday facebook.com/globalaccessibility… #csun12 tweet me @jennison
@WebManWlkg I guess those preferences don’t apply when the video is embedded. #Accessibility #AccessCampDC
[Blog] Accessibility Camp DC Review – bit.ly/n4EVXO My main takeaways from today’s event, thank you! #a11ydc #accessibility #dc
Amazing that the team behind theAddThis social bookmarking tool made #accessibility an actual team goal. #BottomUpApproach #a11ydc
Helpful & beautiful web #accessibility design infographic by WebAIM: ow.ly/6zU4B
If you are a #design #ui #ux #ia pro, worthwhile reading: Web #Accessibility for Designers zite.to/ppa2Ga HT @pauljadam
@Jennison You can’t use something unless you can access it. #accessibility #usability #ux #a11y
This Saturday is #Baltimore #Accessibility! Video Captioning on the Web with @kingkool68 – ht.ly/5vqiP /via @karlgroves #a11y
reminder Accessibility Camp is Saturday Oct, 22, 2011. Registration will open around mid August. #a11y #accessibility #usability
For a daytime crowd: Sharing my @webaxe guest blog post: IT #Accessibility Goes To Camp weba.im/axscmp #webdev #ux #design
Accessible Twitter creator @dennisl announces Twitter client’s new name, “Easy Chirp” EasyChirp.com #accessibility
@Jennison It would scold the user for not using control/cmd +/- #UX #accessibility
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.