Current redesign status: bukk.it/drawing-vs-drawing.jpg

Current redesign status: bukk.it/drawing-vs-drawing.jpg
“One of the best ways to sell a design system internally is to stop using the phrase ‘design system’.” — @danmall #aeabos
For WordPress 5.0, sites updated their PHP version from PHP <= 5.6 to PHP 7+ at the rate of 1 basis point per day.
That is, the percentage of WordPress 5.0 sites using PHP <= 5.6 dropped by 0.01 every day, prior to the release of WordPress 5.1.
The WordPress debacle is more an issue of poor tooling (React) than commitment. When the tool chosen does not readily support accessibility, technical compromises will most often toss accessibility to the curb. Unfortunately they’ve repeatedly doubled down on the tool over users.
Imperative languages, while more powerful than declarative, are also more fragile. HTML and CSS are more resilient than JavaScript. #AEAORL
In contrast, JavaScript is an imperative language, containing exact instructions. @adactio #aeaorl
CSS and HTML are declarative languages. They declare what they want, and the browser figures it out. @adactio #aeaorl
The iconic Coca-Cola bottle design came through a design competition. Its 1 requirement: bottle had to be recognizable in the dark. #aeaaus
“…choosing to disable JavaScript is far from the only reason a user’s browser might not run it.”
Angular and templating.
It’s not just sad and a shame, it’s morally wrong that so many sites are ugly, inaccessible, and unusable; that so many CEOs shop on price.
I love what the web can do for people; love the crafts of design, markup, writing, UX, code. It kills me that so much of our web sucks.
“Solve the REAL problem—your boss’s expectation that websites look and work the same in all browsers. Don’t perpetuate the problem.” #aeasd
The more tools (modernizr, boilerplate, jQuery, bootstrap) you use by default, the more download tax you’re putting on user. @adactio #aeasd
Whoo-hoo! Introducing the Twenty Thirteen default theme for WordPress: make.wordpress.org/core/2013/02/….
I think I’m suffering from Early Onset Don’t Give a Flying Fuck.
★ An Event Apart announces its 2013 schedule. 8 cities, 8 shows. Tickets available now! aneventapart.com/
Error 404 – Motivation Not Found.
…Better luck next time. @aneventapart DC has sold out. cog.gd/2qo
I Happy, are you? #convergese
June 14-16th, 2017
A conference for adventurers exploring the far corners of the infinite web.