@desandro A 3D printed clock is right twice a day
@desandro A 3D printed clock is right twice a day
@desandro I too am addicted to collecting wacky outfits that I’ll only wear once
@desandro Rumor has it this came from Dropbox Paper before 2015 sometime
Here’s where it landed in WordPress.
@desandro plumbing + babysitting
@desandro @heyitsgarrett I would buy this shirt
@desandro Mr Ed would be a show about a neighing human…
@desandro And if the CSS fails to load you get 100vw x 100vh sized icons.
Maybe I need to re-evaulute this approach and see if there is a better way. I came to my current conclusion after reading css-tricks.com/scale-svg/
@desandro I’ve been thinking of this issue a lot. I prefer to embed SVG inline and just use the viewbox attribute to control the aspect ratio. SVGs scale to the size of the text where they are embedded. Super flexible that way. Width and Height break that.
@simonw @adactio flickity.metafizzy.co/ or pretty much anything @desandro writes
@desandro I’ve had CloudUp forever cloudup.com/cjZW9HO0NLr
I love how it automatically uploads screenshots and copies the URL to the clipboard for you.
@desandro Speak for yourself. I’m still using Prototype.js
@desandro @fictivekin @FictiveCameron Man I loved gimmie bar. Congrats on landing somewhere awesome.
@desandro Wow a year already! Congrats!
@desandro I remember reading pomb.us/build-your-own-react/ which breaks it all down for building your own
@desandro Hey wanna design a logo for me?
@desandro that suuuucks
@desandro Remember CoffeeScript?
@desandro This is also known as a “guard clause”
@desandro @Compass Such adult, much responsibility. Is @skeevis your new cubicle buddy?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.