Since today seems to be a day of major outages, I wrote up a playbook for tech managers on deal with them when they happen to you:
Since today seems to be a day of major outages, I wrote up a playbook for tech managers on deal with them when they happen to you:
Hey Front End twitter! I have a good lead on two positions – one a JS Data Viz gig, and one as a Drupal Front End Dev. Hit me up (DM or @) if you want to find out more!
(Would love some RT’s!)
@PBS is hiring a senior frontend engineer! Have a lot of react experience? Want to support an awesome mission? Head on over and apply:
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted to my blog, but here is a new post:
“Advice on interviewing for Junior Developers”
I hope this can help someone out there!
Wrote a blog post about truncating text at more than one line, with *just* CSS: chipcullen.com/truncating-type-a…
Want to work at a place with a great mission? Like JavaScript? Like Bob Ross? We’re hiring at PBS! pbs.org/about/careers/current-op… “Senior JavaScript Engineer”
New blog post! “Responsive spacing with viewport and ch units” – chipcullen.com/responsive-spacin…
Browser makers: Why is there not a keyboard shortcut for “copy the currently focused window’s URL”? Kind of seems like an obvious one.
Wondering if a useful metric for determining a Front End Developer’s skill level would be by *how little* code they need to achieve a goal
Classic “After Dark” screensavers, rebuilt using CSS animations: bryanbraun.github.io/after-dark-…
Making a site keyboard-navigable w/ CSS really is NOT hard. Wish more people knew it was this easy. It helps SO much.
chipcullen.com New Post – Altering the comment form in WordPress. Read it now at tinyurl.com/czkoygf
Just updated the Font Combinator with a bunch of new fonts! Check it out! font-combinator.com/
Dad, husband, painter, runner; these words are mine, no one else’s.