This week in San Diego is the largest accessibility event – watch #csun12 for news and discussion on #a11y topics ^AK
This week in San Diego is the largest accessibility event – watch #csun12 for news and discussion on #a11y topics ^AK
RT @LeonieWatson: Useful rough guide to browser, OS & screen reader support from @SteveFaulkner goo.gl/ujsQJ #a11y #screenreaders
@cmcnally Depends on what app you’re viewing the video in. An official YouTube app: Google. Otherwise Apple #captioning #a11y
@Nethermind okay #a11y #UX
Android 4.0 Accessibility Tutorials – apps4android.org/?p=3098 #mobile #a11y #axs
Nice links! Recommended Accessibility Resources via @uxprinciples #aea #a11y uxprinciples.com/?p=173
Lots Of People Here For Accessibility Workshop pi.pe/-wgz26z #aea #a11y
My roundup of DC Accessibility Camp 2011 in now up: bit.ly/v8OYLu #a11ydc #a11y
+1 RT @mastodonlabs We need to create a collection of beautiful, accessible sites to inspire designers. Like a CSS Zen Garden for #a11y
#a11y fail. Blind Man vs. The ATM: youtube.com/watch?v=6dQuAGJakHM&… (hattip @dinomite)
@marcus67 Not if you use a keyboard to get around a website… /cc @boagworld #a11y
Contrast Rebellion – to hell with low-contrast fonts! contrastrebellion.com #a11y
@Nethermind Have you seen this? is.gd/ndsMlu #a11y
@Jennison You can’t use something unless you can access it. #accessibility #usability #ux #a11y
This Saturday is #Baltimore #Accessibility! Video Captioning on the Web with @kingkool68 – ht.ly/5vqiP /via @karlgroves #a11y
[Video Demo] How ARIA landmark roles help screen reader users – Léonie Watson youtube.com/watch?v=IhWMou12_Vk&… #a11y
Next Accessibility Baltimore meeting is July 9, 2011 “Video Captioning on the Web” with @kingkool68 (@vidcapper) ow.ly/5mOvC #a11y
reminder Accessibility Camp is Saturday Oct, 22, 2011. Registration will open around mid August. #a11y #accessibility #usability
I’m not usually a #FollowFriday person, but @jfc3 has taught me so much about accessibility that everyone should follow him too. #ff #a11y
RT @webaxe: RT @karlgroves: Watch this video to get an idea of frustrations blind users face when using web apps: goo.gl/5yxK4 #a11y
Author and designer striving for a greater good. Ex-Googler. Views are my own and usually pretty spot-on.