@nlucciola There is just so many things to think about. #aeadc
@nlucciola There is just so many things to think about. #aeadc
Another day of stuffing my belly with delicious food and stuff my brain with great information. Whoa is me. #aeadc
You don’t get to decide which device people use to access your content. They do. @karenmcgrane #aeadc
Delivering a desktop experience on mobile as “ergonomic lunacy”. Possibly the phrase of the day. @karenmcgrane #aeadc
“It’s people who care enough to keep thinking about something until they find the simplest way to do it.” – Tim Cook @lukew #aeadc #design
Design for thumbs. Literally: design for those blunt uncoordinated opposable dangly things on your hands. #AEADC
“Open-source your process.” @samanthatoy #AEADC
“Carousels exist in designs to keep people from beating the shit out of each other at meetings.” @samanthatoy #aeadc #webdesign
As a designer I am like a therapist or counselor – I’m interpreting the client and the common theme in their answers @samanthatoy #aeadc
This dude in front of me is using Internet explorer.
I consider him a rebel.
Props & thanks for keeping me employed
RT @Robin2go If you design around break points, it’s break pointless. @zeldman #aeadc
If you can’t delegate at the pixel level, you’ll never ship. #aeadc
We have a new design – means something else is broken #aeadc
I’ll be at #aeadc for 3 days. Tweeting nerdery on my other account @RussellHeimlich
@Meeversole Any extra tickets open up for #AEADC this year? I know someone who wants to go really, really badly.
Photos and drawings from @aneventapart DC: three days of design, code and content for people who make websites. #aeadc cog.gd/46h
We’re starting a community device lab here in DC: devicelabdc.com/ Can you help us get started by donating some devices? #aeadc
Follow me @russllheimlich for all the nerdy #aeadc tweets.
Woah nice job @nclud, just saw this for tonight’s HH! nclud.com/event/aparty2012/ #aeadc
Product design lead at @ConsenSys, previously at @Fidelity and @WhistleStudios. Organizer at @RefreshDC.