DC’s WordPress, PHP & jQuery groups are looking for sponsors for our 3rd annual open source BBQ on June 18: [email protected] #dctech #ossbbq
DC’s WordPress, PHP & jQuery groups are looking for sponsors for our 3rd annual open source BBQ on June 18: [email protected] #dctech #ossbbq
If your company/startup would like to sponsor #OSSBBQ & provide giveaways, let us know.
The crew at @fathomcreative are sketching in prep for #OSSBBQ and it looks awesome: is.gd/nZAiwH @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
Thanks again to @addthis for all the food and drinks last night and @fathomcreative for the space. We hope you had a great time. #ossbbq
We just hit 1000 members on Meetup! Credit goes to many awesome speakers leading up to this. See you next week at #ossbbq
2nd-Annual #ossbbq with @WordPressDC @DCjQuery @DCPHP & DC Droids: bit.ly/NaHYUd
@aaronjorbin two L’s in Russell #ossbbq
BBQ photos, thanks to @farrelley! flickr.com/photos/farrelley/sets… $bbq #ossbbq @wordpressdc @dcjquery @dcphp @fathomgallery #wpdc
Amazing time last night at the #ossbbq. Thanks to everyone who celebrated open source and all the sponsors and organizers.
Odds are I’ve broken more websites than you // Art, Code, & Beverages. @WordPress committer. @AMUNchicago Board. he/him