waterfaller.dev/ from @timbednar is a great #webperf tool that breaks down performance slowdowns in plain language. Really neat way to analyze the page load waterfall.
waterfaller.dev/ from @timbednar is a great #webperf tool that breaks down performance slowdowns in plain language. Really neat way to analyze the page load waterfall.
Hey #webperf / #pagespeed aficionados,
In @____lighthouse v6 how are you handling Largest Contentful Paint for large hero images on a site?
I’ve played around with setting loading=”lazy” and loading=”eager” but theres still room to improve.
Example: lighthouse-dot-webdotdevsite.app…
Cumulative Layout Shift #CLS tuning tip
Add html{overflow-y:scroll} to enforce a scrollbar at first paint.
Pages with a layout shift drastically reduced as soon as the above CSS rule was added. #WebPerf #AimForZero t.co/k4KCUnmzPo
HTML attribute loading=”lazy” is coming to Firefox!
“Mozilla plans to support lazy loading for images and iframes in Firefox 75.”
Client rendered JS applications are basically slow by default. Look how long it takes to serve the font.
Preload can save the day by declaratively loading these files. THIS IS 4 U JS BROS
“Third parties are probably the fastest way to guarantee a slow site.” @csswizardry: medium.com/pixel-pioneers/speake… #webperf #perfmatters
Independent editor and content consultant. Founder and captain of @pixelpioneers. Co-founder and curator of GenerateConf.com. Former editor of @netmag.