@jetpack @AutomatticEng Maybe it’s too big? But here is the Blue Marble 2012 photo from NASA weighing in at 16MB and 8000px wide and it gets resized just fine i0.wp.com/www.nasa.gov/sites/def…
@jetpack @AutomatticEng Maybe it’s too big? But here is the Blue Marble 2012 photo from NASA weighing in at 16MB and 8000px wide and it gets resized just fine i0.wp.com/www.nasa.gov/sites/def…
@jetpack @AutomatticEng hmmm I don’t get it i0.wp.com/root.russellheimlich.c… works but i0.wp.com/root.russellheimlich.c… does not resize and i0.wp.com/root.russellheimlich.c… does not resize
WordPress/JetPack’s Image accelerator service formerly known as Photon is awesome. Except when it doesn’t actually resize the image and your loading multi-megabyte thumbnail images… i0.wp.com/root.russellheimlich.c…
Any ideas @jetpack @AutomatticEng ?
State of WordPress.com Elasticsearch Systems 2016 developer.wordpress.com/2016/05/… via @AutomatticEng
I can think. I can wait. I can fast.