@brandonsavage @dcphp I think meetup.com/DC-PHP/members/106481…
@brandonsavage @dcphp I think meetup.com/DC-PHP/members/106481…
OSSBBQ, behind the scenes: is.gd/dggYXZ /cc @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
The crew at @fathomcreative are sketching in prep for #OSSBBQ and it looks awesome: is.gd/nZAiwH @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
I’m speaking at @DCPHP tonight! Hear about the hoops WordPress jumps through to make sure it works everywhere. meetup.com/DC-PHP/events/1100168…
@dcphp I’ll be there! Got food? Are people getting something to eat?
Who’s going to DC PHP tonight? Want to meet up for dinner? cc/@dcphp
179 total registrations so far for the Open Source BBQ. RSVP, we will fill up: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/66… cc/ @dcphp @dcjquery
2nd-Annual #ossbbq with @WordPressDC @DCjQuery @DCPHP & DC Droids: bit.ly/NaHYUd
Tonight, @dcphp has @zaneMATTHEW talking #WordPress dev, in partnership with @WordPressDC! RSVP: is.gd/jaM1ND & bring beer.
Next week, a #WordPress double-feature! A UX talk via @WordPressDC is.gd/5J1tZi & a dev talk via @dcphp is.gd/jaM1ND
It’s tech week at Fathom! Tonight, @WordPressDC is.gd/C4HCHq & tomorrow, @DCPHP is.gd/i3k9J0
BBQ photos, thanks to @farrelley! flickr.com/photos/farrelley/sets… $bbq #ossbbq @wordpressdc @dcjquery @dcphp @fathomgallery #wpdc
So excited for tomorrows @dcphp @wordpressdc @jquerydc $bbq
Wow, we just got a ton of swag from @mediatemple for our tech $bbq! @WordPressDC @dcjquery @dcphp
We have tech swag flowing in from all over the place for next Tuesday’s tech $bbq! is.gd/phc8Ge @dcphp @dcjquery @WordPressDC
@dcphp still looking for speakers? I can talk about doing complicated things in WordPress.
Just heard a #beer can open at @wordpressdc LOVE free beer user groups in DC! Come tomorrow to @dcphp for free beer and mobile web talk!
Think I might come back to WordPress. @nacin and @kingkool68 may have convinced me with their lightning talks @dcphp
I’m giving a lightning talk on @WordPress 3.1 at @dcphp tonight. You should come! meetu.ps/5nLh
Erstwhile @USDS, @ObamaWhiteHouse, @WordPress Lead Developer. Tweets are my own. Vote.