After troubleshooting PHPMail in @WordPress, I wrote the following code that works with @LocalWP.
After troubleshooting PHPMail in @WordPress, I wrote the following code that works with @LocalWP.
This animation that just launched on their MacOS app is just so darn delightful. I shared it with some design friends this morning. I’d love for @WordPress to do something similar with our icons. t.co/kTkllCekks
~42% of the web runs with @WordPress
Honestly, I love to see some outages that remind us what does “Democratize Publishing” means…
Merge Announcement: Extensible Core Sitemaps make.wordpress.org/core/2020/06/… via @WordPress #WordPress
Just a reminder @WordPress folks @WordCampLanc call to speakers is live on the site — 2020.lancasterpa.wordcamp.org/20…
@jonathanober @WordPress @WordCampLanc @kkramer2195 @MrsCRW @andystitt829 Ooo what should I speak about?
HUGE! @StateDept relaunches their website on @WordPress! Peace out @drupal – helloooooooo WP! state.gov/ #WordPress
@freshyill @damiangilz @WordPress I’ve never had a problem telling the world my site is a WordPress site.
@freshyill @damiangilz @WordPress WordPress includes this by default <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 5.1.1″ />
Not sure how you can count headless WordPress sites but if they are public and have a simple default theme then the should be counted too I guesss
@damiangilz @freshyill @WordPress Like the Bebo of CMSes
@freshyill @WordPress @anthonydpaul knows them all
Tap, tap. Is this thing on?
I’ve signed on as Creative Director of a Special Projects team at @automattic that helps showcase @WordPress at its best.
I’ll share first impressions soon. Currently I’m too busy learning.
Thank you @perishable ! for Disable Gutenberg. Phew. Saved the day 🙂
@wordpress buy this guy lunch!
@WesLinda @wordcampbalt @WordPress Archives links, media, categorizes, and a nifty 404 page tweets.kingkool68.com/my-404-pag…
@wordcampbalt @WordPress I wrote a Twitter Backup plugin and theme github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
That’s a wrap! Thank you to all of our sponsors, speakers, volunteers and attendees! An awesome weekend of @WordPress! #WCBalt
Sweet. @GitHub follows @WordPress and uses native system fonts now on their site.
@WordPress Do you guys have any posters? We need to hang them up in our new space. You know… to keep the bugs out.
Slides from my @WordPressDC talk on @awscloud and @WordPress dylanbarlett.com/2014/06/wordpre…
@Versivo Consultant, @ArlingtonVA Web DevOps, @DCRoadRunners Webmaster