@kingkool68 ALT TEXT = Honors & Awards section of my LinkedIn profile: Read all 38,000 Words of Paul Ford’s “What is code?” Article
@kingkool68 ALT TEXT = Honors & Awards section of my LinkedIn profile: Read all 38,000 Words of Paul Ford’s “What is code?” Article
Looks like this might be the end of the line for cardboard @kingkool68
@kingkool68 At least it looks good in the pristine kitchen you never use.
Don’t forget @kingkool68’s (not) surprise farewell from @pewresearch is in 2 minutes …
@kingkool68 i.e. this thing turtleacademy.com/learn.php
In search of ultimate truth, @Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links bit.ly/1F14ZmR h/t @kingkool68
@kingkool68 We setup a coupon code for you fine folks. Use WORDCAMP at secure.macaw.co for $80 off! #wclanc @azraelgroup
@kingkool68 Source code is on GitHub as well github.com/kingkool68/zadieheiml…
@kingkool68 At least the first year is relatively cheap. They get you with the renewal though.
What have you always wanted to hear a talk about? wpchat.com/t/what-have-you-alway… (from @kingkool68)
@kingkool68 The worst part is that a backup battery failing takes down the whole system. No Internet. No cable. Weep for me fellow nerds.
@kingkool68 Verzion Tech has to come out tomorrow. UGGGGGHHHHHH.
@kingkool68 Replaced the battery and everything was working again. Woke up this morning and service was dead. Replace battery light was on.
“I wish @jeremybowers would just hurry up and get to the point.” -@kingkool68 #ONA14 #ONA14lt
dummyimage.com/600x400/15a2d9/ff… “@mathias: @kingkool68 Any plans to support HTTPS on dummyimage.com so that it can be used on HTTPS pages?”
#gifbot knows exactly how @pewresearch works… cc @kingkool68 #StarTrek
#WordPressDC Check out @kingkool68 on GitHub. Lots of Pew’s good WP stuff in there: github.com/kingkool68
How Pew does WordPress, by @kingkool68. #WordPressDC @ Canvas Co/work instagram.com/p/qNgRsPj5xm/
It’s official!
Time: July 8th, 7 PM
Place: @canvascowork
Speakers: @kingkool68 @kev097
Sponsor: @thejakegroup
RSVP: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/19…
The DC-area monthly WordPress meetup group. Organizers: @bethsoderberg, @lelandf, @TaraClaeys