@kingkool68 errr link to the last Tweet. addyosmani.com/blog/improved-dev…
@kingkool68 errr link to the last Tweet. addyosmani.com/blog/improved-dev…
@kingkool68 Angels are in the outfield, Ghosts are dads
@WordPressDC Will be streaming live on fathomTV bit.ly/IKRZTw #WordPress #DC #Meetups @nacin @anthonydpaul @aaronjorbin @kingkool68
anyone else want to help @kingkool68 & I use up one of my $40 @CometPingPong @LivingSocial coupons tonight? Meeting him at 14th & L at 6 PM.
@kingkool68 @brownpau @mkupferman but not now. Wait until they release new ones. Soon hopefully.
@kingkool68 Don’t sell yourself short. Your entire life has been one day after another of hard work leading up to you wearing pants today.
@kingkool68 Boooo my link got cut off. It’s is.gd/xvyrsl
Talking about our “coding faces” and I’m pretty sure @kingkool68 has everyone beat #fb #gacdcSS
Best Actor in the Art of Reading Random Sketchy Texts Aloud: @kingkool68. I am laughing so hard! #gacdcSS #fb
And I did the dishes…but i mean don’t let me interrupt…”@kingkool68:Wife of the century award goes to @naudebynature for picking me up.”
Thank goodness @kingkool68 and I agree on the proper orientation of toilet paper on the roll. #OverGreaterThanUnder #DealBreaker
Omg if @kingkool68 calls it Pin-Interest one more time… *%*@&$* uuugh! Its one word!
Roadtripping to #wcphilly with @aaronjorbin, @kingkool68.
Tomorrow at @fathomgallery 7pm, @kingkool68 will be presenting at @dcjquery on sticky headers: is.gd/UAwviM
this months @AccessibilityDC event is Sept 20, which has @KingKool68 talking about Captioning and doing a cool demo. bit.ly/nnVNW2
@kingkool68 wow. In that vein, I’d like to congratulate Amy Winehouse on almost one week of sobriety.
Thanks for hosting RT @anthonydpaul Great event tonight with @kingkool68 & @photomatt at @WordPressDC. Thanks to all who came! #wpdc
Tuesday @kingkool68 will present about “Understanding your Audience” and a genius bar will help answer your questions: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
Well you might consider tackling world hunger or poverty… RT @booboozela just joined google+, what should i do now @kingkool68?!
This Saturday is #Baltimore #Accessibility! Video Captioning on the Web with @kingkool68 – ht.ly/5vqiP /via @karlgroves #a11y
Blog & podcast about web accessibility. Techniques, news, events, jobs, and more!