Next Saturday! Video Captioning on the Web with @kingkool68 Baltimore Accessibility. Details located at ow.ly/5vlyR
Next Saturday! Video Captioning on the Web with @kingkool68 Baltimore Accessibility. Details located at ow.ly/5vlyR
@kingkool68 I uploaded your attendee geo data to @myheatmap #convergese bit.ly/kzo2L1
Next Accessibility Baltimore meeting is July 9, 2011 “Video Captioning on the Web” with @kingkool68 (@vidcapper) ow.ly/5mOvC #a11y
This Thursday night, 6/16, @kingkool68 will be presenting, “Video Captioning on the Web” at @AARP. Join us: eventbrite.com/event/1771066307
Join us next Thursday, 6/16, for @kingkool68’s presentation, “Video Captioning on the Web,” at @AARP! Details: eventbrite.com/event/1771066307
Build something that works, don’t charge for updates RT @Ektron @CotterWebDesign ? What can we do to help cc: @kingkool68
Happy to have the opportunity RT @fedsacrifice Thanks to everyone who attended last night and to @zgordon & @kingkool68 for speaking!
@kingkool68: yet another copy…puppy! placepuppy.it, thanks for sharing your idea.
@kingkool68 thats not true, but you should make the word “Everyone” in red and “designer” in orange so it really looks good.
I had almost forgotten about dummyimage.com. So useful. Thanks, @kingkool68!
RT @jfc3 anyone else want to come to my house Sunday afternoon with @e_wils & @kingkool68 for wine, cheese, cured meats, & co-working?
BOO RT @toekneestuck @kingkool68 Time Square video hack apparently been deemed fake by this @newsycombinator thread goo.gl/eAy0b
@kingkool68 My brand loyalty rankings are 1) Apple 2) Dummyimage
The selection of food at our afternoon get-together with @jfciii @kingkool68 @aaronjorbin. WordPress, wine and cheese. twitpic.com/443nnh
Next month: #dcjq is at Fathom to demo charts using #flot & #htmlcanvas w/@b4nn0n of @wijmo & w/ @kingkool68 is.gd/Ks4xfa #jquery
According to @Klout, @kingkool68 is most influential about CSS, Google, cartoon network, Georgetown, and Android – bit.ly/bgCcty
Off to Mad Hatter’s to take advantage of their $5 burger lunch special with my coworker, @kingkool68
Think I might come back to WordPress. @nacin and @kingkool68 may have convinced me with their lightning talks @dcphp
Correct link: cl.ly/24271D1R331X2P2S0c3y @kingkool68 Hobby Kits! A great way to learn…
Already learning and making WordPress patches. core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1… #a11ydc ( @kingkool68 might deserve the props)
Odds are I’ve broken more websites than you // Art, Code, & Beverages. @WordPress committer. @AMUNchicago Board. he/him