@sarakgoo Man, @NPR has a totally different dress code policy than @pewresearch
@sarakgoo Man, @NPR has a totally different dress code policy than @pewresearch
@benbyben I setup @pewresearch on a multi site setup.
Don’t forget @kingkool68’s (not) surprise farewell from @pewresearch is in 2 minutes …
Starting mid-May I will be joining @wirecutter as a Senior Engineer after nearly 6 years at the @pewresearch center.
@mylifeasalllly tell her to apply to @pewresearch
Farewell to @nekolaweb on his last day @pewresearch. Thanks for all the great code, dataviz, deep-dish pizza, etc.
Thanks @UpshotNYT for shoutout to @pewresearch design crew:Stuff We Liked: Clever Data Visualization, Year in Outrage nyti.ms/1tJkvDj
We’re looking for a User Interface Designer here @pewresearch pewresearch.org/about/careers/us…
Level 12 web nerd! I correctly answered 12 of 12 questions on the @pewresearch #Web25 Quiz. pewrsr.ch/1AJ2Ihn
@zeldman We’re very excited here at @pewresearch twitter.com/nekolaweb/status/535…
@karenmcgrane That’s why we took the effort at @pewresearch to convert all of our reports from PDF to HTML for the web.
The Next America from @pewresearch uses Waypoints.js and #highcharts pewresearch.org/next-america/ #ONA14
Jobs w/@pewresearch digital team
Designer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5u76
Developer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5sMD
Producer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5u79
@mijingo I built @pewresearch out on WordPress if you ever need a guest. Slides from a talk I gave abt my experience kingkool68.com/pew-research-cent…
#gifbot knows exactly how @pewresearch works… cc @kingkool68 #StarTrek
We’re hiring a Data Architect @pewresearch If you’ve got code, DB and/or visualization chops, learn more here: pewrsr.ch/U2j2ai
Slides from my talk on @pewresearch and WordPress v.gd/pewwp #wcphilly
Looking for a job, #wcphilly? @pewresearch is hiring! Bonus if you have #dataviz chops. pewresearch.org/about/careers/we… talk to me or @kingkool68
We’re hiring a web developer @pewresearch – come work w/@kingkool68, @nekolaweb and a bunch of other nice folks pewrsr.ch/RqEt3w
Love #dataviz? Work with me at @pewresearch – we have an opening for an information graphics designer! pewrsr.ch/1nC7LcU
@pewresearch art director, information graphics designer, snowboarder, Washington football fan, and Oxford comma supporter.