@zamoose Hey @verizonfios, you should really help my friend out here. He’s starting to hurt himself over lack of FiOS.
@zamoose Hey @verizonfios, you should really help my friend out here. He’s starting to hurt himself over lack of FiOS.
@zamoose Maybe you should start talking about Zombies and go to the gym every single day and you will too get FiOS.
@zamoose That’s what you get for living in Comcast’s home base.
Great day at #wcphilly. Thanks to @williamsba @tangofoxtrot @aprilheline @zamoose for their hard work in organizing it all.
+1 RT @SeanBlanda: Organizing events is very hard. Much love to @williamsba, @zamoose, @anthonybubel and company for #wcphilly.
Odds are I’ve broken more websites than you // Art, Code, & Beverages. @WordPress committer. @AMUNchicago Board. he/him