Plz RT: If you care about #WordPress #accessibility, @DavidAKennedy is working on an accessible #WP theme. Tweet him w/ yr ideas.
Plz RT: If you care about #WordPress #accessibility, @DavidAKennedy is working on an accessible #WP theme. Tweet him w/ yr ideas.
Thanks @TripAdvisor for fixing your ratings widget so that it can now be used by keyboard-only and screen reader users like me.
The first Global #Accessibility Awareness Day May 9 get involved @gbla11yday facebook.com/globalaccessibility… #csun12 tweet me @jennison
Amazing that the team behind theAddThis social bookmarking tool made #accessibility an actual team goal. #BottomUpApproach #a11ydc
+1 RT @mastodonlabs We need to create a collection of beautiful, accessible sites to inspire designers. Like a CSS Zen Garden for #a11y
RT @sarahtp Most accessibility is restricted to accessibility specialists & front-end devs; in reality applies to entire web team. #wds11
Want to take your presentation skills to the next level? Check out a new venture by my pal @feather seizetheroom.com/articles/lets-g…
If you are a #design #ui #ux #ia pro, worthwhile reading: Web #Accessibility for Designers zite.to/ppa2Ga HT @pauljadam
For a daytime crowd: Sharing my @webaxe guest blog post: IT #Accessibility Goes To Camp weba.im/axscmp #webdev #ux #design
Accessible Twitter creator @dennisl announces Twitter client’s new name, “Easy Chirp” EasyChirp.com #accessibility
Interesting observation via @jbailey The closer graphic designers are 2 print/paper media the less receptive they are 2 #accessibility.
Don’t forget, many of us in North America get an extra hour of sleep Saturday night thanks to our pal standard time.
#aea #aeadc If you have an interest in web accessibility, consider joining us at Accessibility Camp DC on Oct 9 bit.ly/96AMRR
Torontonian bringing his Digital accessibility chops to the Silicon Valley | fan of jazz, live comedy, NPR & more | views are my own