You know it’s really the wind ABOVE the wings that’s important. And the shape of the airfoil. And pressure differential. #Oscars
You know it’s really the wind ABOVE the wings that’s important. And the shape of the airfoil. And pressure differential. #Oscars
This is my absolute favorite Christmas cartoon with Chip ‘n Dale and Donald Duck first released on December 16, 1949. see.sc/h0EpJf
Oh snap! After nearly 3 years of owning Android phones I’ve purchased my first app. GSRemote Pro for controlling Grooveshark via my phone.
Current post-mayan end of the world status: youtube.com/watch?v=z8rYotiiFP8
Rate Limiting: Something that is hard to test for before going live.
Brown bag lunch meeting so of course I bring a lunch consisting of carrots, nuts, and other loud food.
Web Developer is the 9th best job according to U.S.News & World Report. King of the World not mentioned… see.sc/dwuCun
Goal for tonight: Go to bed before midnight. Sooo sleepy.
Oh no! Facestagram might sell my crappy photo that no one looks at. Woe is me!
So what do you guys think of the redesigned PewResearch.org? see.sc/FwAJAt
Biggest redesign of the year and I’m all like… see.sc/1z0lcf
BTT Remote lets you control your computer through your phone. bttremote.com/
I always got more familiar with SSH Keys, Vim, and CGI scripts. I’m still a little shaky on branches and merging and all that.
Kristina went out to dinner with her girlfriends tonight so I learned Git thanks to this tutorial see.sc/1I3t4h
It’s 20-fricken-12. Where are vegetables that taste like cookies? Come on science!
Traveling to Snowshoe, WV, for a weekend of geeky fun.
Kristina and I just tried to play Monopoly verbally with no physical items. We were pretty close with the board layout.
Trying out Seesmic ping.
Use Optimizely for fast, cheap online A/B testing bit.ly/pTx98t #wpdc
Obama’s doing a press conference at 11am on jobs… not Jobs.
VP, Technology @slate. Opinions are my own (and silly.)