Metrics aren’t useful unless they’re actionable. #ONA12 #ONAImpact
Metrics aren’t useful unless they’re actionable. #ONA12 #ONAImpact
you know that kid at the arcade who’s just watching the demo and pressing the buttons like they’re playing? that’s how i handle adulthood
Nice. RT @clickonITtoo: Content strategy ties your information together in a way the enterprise can understand and support.”
*MASSIVE AD COVERS PHONE SCREEN* “Would you like to download our app???” FUCKING NO; nor will I visit your shit website again, you cuntcunt.
“‘More’ makes things more complicated,” says @yurivictor. “@WordPress does more by doing less.” #WordPressDC #WPDC
“If you can start at the beginning where things happen” then you can solve more problems, says @yurivictor. #WordPressDC #WPDC
“News sites suck bc I think they have the wrong philosophy,” says @yurivictor. Ex: They want to make a bang, do too much. #WordPressDC #WPDC
It’s amazing how many companies still don’t get the concept of “social” media. It’s a conversation, not an announcement.
thank god the olympics are ending tonight
If I can’t access your content from my mobile device your content doesn’t exist. Period. #aea
So not only has Apple taken a step back by dropping google maps they are also removing YouTube. If you want ton remove an app, remove stocks
Thanks to my heart rate monitor, you can see the moment at the gym where I realized I didn’t have my wallet t.co/pO38OvhO
Feeling way better. Psyched for tomorrow’s show! #aea
Pretty much every Internet poll needs a “Who cares?” option.
Today on House Hunters: Can this couple agree on which brand-new 4,000 sq. ft., $150,000 McMansion to buy in Wyoming???
@kingkool68 POLLO!
@kingkool68 polo!
On my way to see @halvorson at a content strategy meetup here in DC. Yes, Washington has content strategists.
This just makes me sad. #oreo #gaypride
So often the barrier to great work is simply the lack of courage to start badly.