On an elliptical at the gym, still lamenting that all this repetitive kinetic effort goes nowhere.
On an elliptical at the gym, still lamenting that all this repetitive kinetic effort goes nowhere.
Nudity is only illegal because the pants lobby has such deep pockets.
Internet Rule #3,672: any attempt at self-diagnosis on WebMD will end in AIDS.
“Where there is the desire to spend money, there will be an equal or greater unanticipated expense to offset that desire.”—CoderBrown Law
Cherry Blossoms are at their peak at the tidal basin! mlkshk.com/p/DWWF
“If you have a clunky workflow that will filter down into everything else.” @alliwagner
Happy International Day of Awesomeness, everybody!! I hope you’ve done you’re share of awesome feats today. #idoa
@fugularity no mp3 players at all
When I hear someone say “I’ve got nothing but time,” I want to punch them. And then be them.
☑ Kim Jong Il
☑ Khaddafi
☑ Osama Bin Laden
☑ Saddam Hussein
☐ Tired old meme with checkboxes preceding people’s names
Great day at #wcphilly. Thanks to @williamsba @tangofoxtrot @aprilheline @zamoose for their hard work in organizing it all.
Twilight – a girls choice between necrophilia and bestiality.
Apparently, if you’re a software developer or even just know that true != false, there’s a job for you in DC. Learn to code and move here!
VP, Technology @slate. Opinions are my own (and silly.)