Are you looking for an experienced remote worker with awesome backend PHP/testing experience to help your team? Hit me up I know someone amazing, I’ve worked with them in the past and would definitely do so again.
Are you looking for an experienced remote worker with awesome backend PHP/testing experience to help your team? Hit me up I know someone amazing, I’ve worked with them in the past and would definitely do so again.
So happy to announce my advanced Skillshare course about front-end performance! Watch it here:
If I could choose one AWS service to nuke from motherfucking orbit, it’d be Cloudfront.
Make a change, wait half an hour, learn you missed something, make another change, wait another half hour.
Meanwhile, literal *seconds* with CloudFlare.
Pixels vs Relative Units in CSS and why it’s still a big deal:
All the examples in this article really help explain the difference and why it matters.
As requested, here is a “little” case study of my portfolio.
I hope some of you will learn a thing or two.
Adding social media icons to client websites.
The single biggest waste of everyones time.
Back on the job hunt after being laid off yesterday. If you know of anything in the full-stack or front-end dev realm (typescript, vue.js, django, node) and remote, I’d appreciate a connection!
The new AirPods Pro page is a strong contender for this year’s web perf fail award:
– 1578 requests
– 65.4 MB transferred
– 67.1 MB resources
– Finish: 2.3 min
– DOMContentLoaded: 1.98 s
– Load: 2.65 s
So I wrote a thing about SVG icons and Sass and keeping things maintainable and hey, look, it’s on @CSS: css-tricks.com/creating-a-mainta…
Happy Friday. I’m looking to hire a Senior Front-End Engineer to join my team at Dribbble.
I’d love to talk to anyone and everyone about this! RT’s appreciated.
Android (Alpha)
Android (Beta)
Android Cupcake
Android Donut
Android Eclair
Android Froyo
Android Gingerbread
Android Honeycomb
Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Android Jellybean
Android KitKat
Android Lollipop
Android Marshmallow
Android Nougat
Android Oreo
Android Pie
Android ….. 10
Hey Pals 👋
I’m looking for a new project—specifically a project that’s mainly HTML and CSS.
What you get from me:
– Semantic, accessible HTML
– Simple, robust CSS
– Progressive enhancement
RTs _hugely_ appreciated 💖
Get in touch: [email protected]
Which Mac is the best for product design? It depends. Here’s some extremely non-scientific tests using popular design tools, where I drew a bunch of boxes with strokes and rotated them. t.co/kR4wNDppfL
Today is my last day at my current contract. Do you know someone who needs a PHP developer?
I’m moving to NYC in a few weeks, so prefer U.S. remote or NYC-based
/cc @phpc
so uh websites are now multi-page applications or wut
Hey Twitter friends, I’m in search of the next awesome company to work with. Ideally, I’d like to continue working remotely with PHP/Laravel, VueJS, and Docker. I love mentoring devs, not scared of legacy projects, and can talk about coffee just as much as code. DMs open 🤓☕️🙏
Why spend seconds creating input fields when you can spend days writing some javascript to get some divs and spans to work just like input fields…
#WordPress & @photomatt, we as a community REALLY need to get dashboard notices and alerts under control, this is out of hand. Clients dashboard looks awful and I’ve seen others that look even worse.
@Never5Plugins makes wordpress.org/plugins/wp-notific… but even then it’s not perfect. t.co/Q81DXPW2ZQ
We’re looking for a Developer with solid back-end experience. Know anyone?
So here’s something new…
@taupecatstudios is looking for a WordPress developer (contract). Deets here: taupecatstudios.com/open-positio… #WordPress #hiring
#WordPress technical architect. Lover of sea otters, CSS, Outlander, and skiing. T-shirt wearing is NOT an endorsement. How can I be an ally? 🏳️🌈 she/her