Think less in terms of pages, more in terms of systems. YES. #smacss
That’s it. The search is over. I have found the best dog costume of all time.
Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes. We can put a stop to this. Please retweet.
RT @romenesko: Facebook Social Readers are all collapsing. Readers “annoyed and they’re quitting in droves.”
I think I may switch from Adobe Photoshop to Draw Something for design work.
Seriously, @WordPress is just the bees knees!
When cutting and pasting a sentence from a news site, has anyone ever kept in the “Read more: URL” thing it forces you to copy? Anyone ever?
I’m lessening my chances of winning the Mega Millions jackpot by not buying a ticket.
Nice!! RT @PatriceBTwit RT @webaxe Great site by designer who is colorblind #a11y #color #ux HT @AquinasWI @sketchfolio
Just noticed one of the high-yield words on #DrawSomething is “Shrek” — and you have to purchase the color green with coins. #BUSINESSPLAN
Dear Communications Firm Owner, your mass DM asking if I’ve enjoyed your tweets & pushing me to FB lets me know you truly get social media.
RT @baltimoresun 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679…etc. Happy #PiDay.
Wow, SlashDot founder @cmdrtaco just took a job as Chief Strategist at Washington Post Labs via @dangillmor
RT @snookca I’m rarely concerned about what’s ‘correct’ and more concerned about what works.
This week in San Diego is the largest accessibility event – watch #csun12 for news and discussion on #a11y topics ^AK
Surprised how many “infographics” out there are glorified movie posters. Remember its about efficient & effective comm. Not just design.
RT if you agree that spectrum auctions should be competitive, not favor largest carriers:
RT @stevefaulkner: HTML5 browser accessibility support updated #mac #windows #IE #Safari #Opera #Chrome #Firefox
RT @LeonieWatson: Useful rough guide to browser, OS & screen reader support from @SteveFaulkner #a11y #screenreaders
New web design pattern library from @simplebits: #aea