most popular on the site now: “Why Broadband Service in the U.S. Is So Awful”
doing a bit of Accessibility Camp DC work before heading into office for the day. Please don’t forget to register –
“Always match the number of :hover and :focus definitions!” @adaction #aea
Not sure about this ‘not styling IDs’ and have class driven styles .that on top of the things aren’t semantic (.h1, .h2 etc…) … :/ #aea
@hellogeri oh God, are they having another #aea ??? @zeldman always annoys me by using me on a damn slide! 🙂 The nit. – thanks for warning
#aea I enforce global IP aggressively and I will take action against AEA delegates using animated gifs. Please write that bit down. Thanks.
PRO Tip from @williamsba- Don’t light zombies on fire #wcma
google xml sitemaps now supports multisite
Home is where your local backup runs.
RT @gridinoc: How many SEO copywriters does it take to change a lightbulb, light bulb, light, bulb, lamp, bulbs, flowers, flour…?
RT @skeevis: I need DC-area PHP devs, designers, mappers to help me build something awesome for #dcweek Pls Help!
Just entered to win a 32GB Apple iPad. Just follow @TheiPadInsider and retweet. (Ends 4/2)
A bookmarklet I made that creates generic placeholder images for web design, etc. (using