most popular on the site now: “Why Broadband Service in the U.S. Is So Awful” bit.ly/b9Z0Wi
most popular on the site now: “Why Broadband Service in the U.S. Is So Awful” bit.ly/b9Z0Wi
doing a bit of Accessibility Camp DC work before heading into office for the day. Please don’t forget to register – bit.ly/bWjyAu
“Always match the number of :hover and :focus definitions!” @adaction #aea
@hellogeri oh God, are they having another #aea ??? @zeldman always annoys me by using me on a damn slide! 🙂 The nit. – thanks for warning
#aea I enforce global IP aggressively and I will take action against AEA delegates using animated gifs. Please write that bit down. Thanks.
Not sure about this ‘not styling IDs’ and have class driven styles .that on top of the things aren’t semantic (.h1, .h2 etc…) … :/ #aea
PRO Tip from @williamsba- Don’t light zombies on fire #wcma
google xml sitemaps now supports multisite bit.ly/cj45Rx
Home is where your local backup runs.
RT @gridinoc: How many SEO copywriters does it take to change a lightbulb, light bulb, light, bulb, lamp, bulbs, flowers, flour…?
RT @skeevis: I need DC-area PHP devs, designers, mappers to help me build something awesome for #dcweek bit.ly/clr2Ev Pls Help!
Just entered to win a 32GB Apple iPad. Just follow @TheiPadInsider and retweet. ipadinsider.com/free-ipad (Ends 4/2)
A bookmarklet I made that creates generic placeholder images for web design, etc. (using dummyimage.com): bit.ly/91hR3q
Yes, I’m THE Robert Gomez… the famous one you are obviously looking for.