@freshyill Roof*
@freshyill That’s a lot of rid
@teddyrised jQuery for life
What a trip reading back through all of the Google messaging products that have come and gone…
@chriscoyier You can make $100K doing that. Probably have to go outside in icky weather though.
Things were easy when it was just jQuery. 🙈
@EmmaBostian NaN
@mattcampux Have you seen the Skeletor Show? youtu.be/61E2eI4QqH4
@pfrazee @davatron5000 Yea I was thinking of something similar where the smaller id always goes in the first column so you only need to do one lookup.
@davatron5000 I would do two separate small queries to check if the association has been made before adding a new association.
Whoa! Season 2 Episode 1 (the one with the gay penguins) was so good compared to all of season 1!
@dljessup Yes
@jon_neal I use a Sass function for calculating px to rem. But I 100% wholeheartedly agree about using the REM unit to respect client font size irrespective of zoom settings.
@aaronjorbin This has strong vibes of stackoverflow.com/questions/1732…
@ckrewson This is probably the first time someone has changed their mind on Twitter….
@ckrewson Best kids birthday party ever veraheimlich.com/instagram/today…
@yesimmelinda You are an excellent communicator/acronym minimizer
.Net developers 😂