@elyktrix Is it a dev thing?
@elyktrix Is it a dev thing?
@QuinnyPig @awscloud IAM Unsure What This Meeting is About
@anthonydpaul Prices are always round up to the nearest whole dollar.
@MikeNGarrett Have not made it. Hard to spell.
@shortxstack OMG can you do cobra?
@Quartzjixler @mommajessiec @fugularity it’s you!
@davatron5000 You should check out @gather_money
The frequency of a child’s laughter should be measured in Gigglehertz.
@mattcampux Hey Google…
– turn off all the lights
– broadcast a message (like a wireless intercom)
– find my phone
– let’s play a game (for the kids)
– play 12 hours of fireplace on loving room tv (dumb workaround to essentially mute our tv)
@wilto Is this a container query?
@jhooks @chriscoyier Anya and Elsia? Same here.
@MikeNGarrett Clients or babies?
Senior engineers build consensus
Its original meaning was literal: digging around the roots of a tree, to prepare it for a transplant. Bringing the dirt from the new location, and introducing it to the tree, before the transplant, so the tree can grow accustomed to the new environment before it gets there.
Nemawashi – “laying the foundation for some proposed change or project, by talking to the people concerned, gathering support and feedback”
Aka laying the groundwork.
@piccalilli_ I discovered scroll-margin-top from reading piccalil.li/quick-tip/add-scroll… I really liked your idea of applying it to elements that have an ID attribute.
Then I discovered it doesn’t work in Safari. Now I’m using padding-top 5ex margin-top -5ex for the same thing with better support.
@jfc3 The six year old is going to in-school kindergarten Thursday and Friday so one more step closer to normal
@richard_tabor My projects never get that far
Medium wants me to install their app to read a web page.
Head of Digital Land @MHCLG
Eyes severe and beard of formal cut, full of wise saws and modern instances.