@neojp Where do I send you the bill for my 2 minutes and 16 seconds to read and resound to your tweets.
@neojp Where do I send you the bill for my 2 minutes and 16 seconds to read and resound to your tweets.
@elyktrix Congrats! That’s always a big sticking point of a redesign.
@caseydriscoll Have fun trimming your grandma’s bush
@yesimmelinda I’m 5 for 5 eating brownies
every day I wake up and begin the 16 hour process of getting ready for bed
@mattcampux Psshh I have at least that many voices in my head when I’m coding
@bradtaunt Back in the day I used to post to my WordPress blog via email. I could use T-Mobile’s SMS to email gateway to post to it from my phone that didn’t have a mobile data plan but did have a bucket of SMS messages.
This entire post was pecked into my phone russellheimlich.com/blog/google-…
@ajohnagnello @freshyill It’s legit buggy in certain places youtu.be/Po-mwFaz37Y
@mattcampux MacBook WHOA!
@sarah_edo Watching a video + reading + doing
@daljo628 What do you do with three nest thermostats? Do you have three separate HVAC units?
@daljo628 You have 3 nest thermostat and only one AP?
I believe the more modern expression should be ” DON’T MAKE ME SOUND LIKE A 12 HOUR LOOP OF EPIC SAX GUY!”
** Wife yelling at the kids repeatedly to do something **
Wife: Don’t make me sound like a broken record!
4 year old: What’s a record?
6 year old: Do identical twins have the same voice?
@QuinnyPig I saw “scheduled” but didn’t dive into the details
@QuinnyPig typefully.app/ is a thing I learned about to compose threads
@NishaChittal Try fish sticks
TIL that CloudFront charges more for HTTPS than HTTP.
WTAF? No! twitter.com/QuinnyPig/status/136… t.co/Jsu8I40PH4
Hacker | Geek | Pentester | Trainer | Red Teamer @NotSoSecure @Claranet – he/him