I use Quick Look on macOS all the time and these Quick Look plugins are ACE! Can be installed via Brew too.
@taupecat I never understood why people liked normalize.css so much.
+1 on the bonus conclusion section. twitter.com/davatron5000/status/…
@bpeebles Ditto but replace Matrix movie with Surge.
I’m so glad Snowfall saved the publishing industry.
@brandonsavage @dcphp I think meetup.com/DC-PHP/members/106481…
@skeevis I wouldn’t mind a cookie raise etc.
The best part is when he plugs his new business… twitter.com/karaswisher/status/9…
@skeevis What’s a CRE business?
~2018 in web dev~
1. Blogging back in vogue
2. Personal websites are cool again
3. Indie web
4. Web apps side-by-side w/ native apps twitter.com/davatron5000/status/…
You can if one of them is 8 months pregnant 🤔 twitter.com/spratttom/status/923…
@SGgrc My PC is doing about 60 hashes/s on MAX. Windows 10, Chrome.
My PC is doing about 60 hashes per second. Neat. What can you push yours to?
Voluntary cryptocurrency mining in the browser
@round @Rmmmsy Boo this was supposed to be a reply here twitter.com/kingkool68/status/92…
@williamsba Is it nostalgia day for you? I visit Digg quite frequently. They do a pretty good job of finding interesting stories.
Thank you Firebug. You’ve enabled me to be the web developer I am today.
the conflation of PWAs and AMP sites continues to drive me b.a.n.a.n.a.s.