@KarlaTR And I was just listening to them on repeat for the past two days.
@astridandinez OH boo it’s not actually Grovers voice.
@Smashley017 Now you can PornMode browse like a pro!
@Smashley017 Private Browsing mode… Shift + Control + P or File -> New Private Window
@Smashley017 Use Chrome, open an incognito window (Control + Shift + N)
@freshyill I hope that was your commit message.
In the dreams I have the car brakes are only 1/10th as effective. Also, everything moves at the same speed.
“We’ve created a new way for you to access maps offline by entering ‘OK Maps’ into the search box when viewing the area you want for later”
I certainly thought Google Latitude was interesting. Sorry to see it being retired. thenextweb.com/google/2013/07/10…
Radioshack applied a sweet Instagram filter on it’s logo and called it a day. underconsideration.com/brandnew/…
@mr_suh 90’s tweets are awesome.
Report finds lack of mobile contract choice in the US engadget.com/2013/07/09/smartpho…
“Don’t bother leaving. So many hipsters.” MT @NationalZoo 1st time Rusty/Shama have seen each other #CaptionThis
@chriscoyier You shouldn’t. My boss uses that and I use Adium and we can see each other.
@chriscoyier Don’t use GChat in Adium, install the Hangouts for Chrome extension instead chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…
Daily Dose of Imagery ends its ten year run of posting a new image a day wvs.topleftpixel.com/13/07/04/ Good timing now that Google Reader is dead.
Firefox’s logo is getting flatter. Sure looks different in my dock. blog.seanmartell.com/2013/06/27/…
Proud to announce I’ve purchased my 2nd Android app: Pocket Casts since Google Listen went dead with Google Reader shiftyjelly.com/android/pocketca…
@cdharrison See abeautifulsite.net/blog/2010/01/… just use scrollLeft and offset().left instead of top.