Google Analytics Launches Realtime Data: analytics.blogspot.com/2011/09/w…
Google Analytics Launches Realtime Data: analytics.blogspot.com/2011/09/w…
Hey! I am talking about supporting IE6 tomorrow at @refreshDC Come out! eventbrite.com/event/2185749636
I sleep better knowing that everyone on Twitter knows how to run large complex businesses better than those successfully running them.
What ARRRR ye doin’ fer lunch, me hearties?
Need a dummy image for mockups? dummyimage.com/ is now part of the Dev Ad Pack.
I prefer U.R.L., please don’t call them ‘Earls’.
It’s interesting to do a search for “!important” in UA stylesheets to see other stuff that is impossible to change through CSS.
Sources refuse to rule out #500footbinladen as cause of recent tremors. Story developing. #earthquake
looks like the preliminary size of the earthquake on the east coast is 5.8
Design & music is excellent therapy. It’s a shame more people don’t get to do what they’re passionate about for a living.
Humbled to be nominated in the .net awards. thenetawards.com Thanks for all the support
Life is too short to remove USB devices safely.
One of my pet peeves!! RT @jxnblk: Login = noun. Log in = verb.
Science! news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/19/sc…
Gosh if there was only a service that’s been around forever where you could listen to any song at any time…
Loving Google’s new style. Google Calendar’s new look rocks.
As promised! Slasher, a Chrome extension to replace slashes with images of Slash. github.com/timcheadle/slasher #convergese
So I think @convergese should get a block in a hotel that doesn’t charge for wi-fi next year. #wifishouldbefree
USA Today is hiring a web designer. You’d get to have the AWESOME @blanksky as your boss – authenticjobs.com/jobs/8420/web-…
Had a bit of an oopsie today. I meant to water a plant, but ended up watering the DVR. The DVR is dead. Long live the DVR!
Entrepreneur, culture & UX evangelist. Lover of cake, technology, meditation, awesomeness, yoga, puppies, & being nice. Some friends and I founded ThinkGeek.