R.I.P Geeks Adventure Club (@gacdc) aeb.sr/2014/02/03/rip-geeks-adve…
R.I.P Geeks Adventure Club (@gacdc) aeb.sr/2014/02/03/rip-geeks-adve…
I love it when @TheOnion parodies @pewresearch Report: Rising # Of Weak, Emasculated Men Working As Stay-At-Home Dads onion.com/1g6RWns
@chrisOHpedia Looks like you do a bunch of custom WordPress development. Can I email you?
@BreRoz Yea, unfortunately I do. Thanks for reaching out anyways!
@df_tweets No prob! Enjoy.
@mr_suh Android will manage it for you. It’s ok.
@mr_suh Why would you want to do that? Twitter isn’t a web browser.
@mr_suh Looks complicated. Probably need a different launcher forums.androidcentral.com/androi…
@mr_suh FALSE. In Kit Kat Google streamlines location data. Android determines your location and then tells the app.
@johnpbloch Your hackiest of hacks should require ember.js. It’s only 240KB minified.
The infinite conference call simulator conferencecall.biz/ via @EllieSemantic
@ruebenabankwah Thanks! Glad you like it.
@JoannaBrenner Because they’re gross.
@zippy1981 Carve them in to your monitor
@chipcullen ampps.com/ It’s like MAMP Pro but free.
My Inner Animal is a Big Horn Sheep. Find yours and adopt it at: bit.ly/wrt54R via @world_wildlife
@dylanbarlett Peter O’Toole. I don’t think I even know who Peter O’Toole is but I liked his name.
I just scored 66% on this weird Front End Web Development Quiz. davidshariff.com/quiz/ 12% higher than average.
@Ipstenu Sorry about your foot unless it is now a bionic foot. In that case congrats. I managed to fix what I happened to screw up. Thanks!
Mindblowing Fact: You can configure a Mac Pro with more RAM than every NES ever made : Tech Digest techdigest.tv/2013/11/mindblowin…
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