@donnacamos Why not both? All my kids have their own websites which I use to explore new ideas.
@donnacamos Why not both? All my kids have their own websites which I use to explore new ideas.
Wow that is pretty neat. And yet I never see myself using it because it’s a little too magical for me. Imagine seeing this in a codebase and not knowing how this worked? I would be stumped! twitter.com/Vanaf1979/status/130…
@dannysteenman I’m unable to discern tabs from spaces on sight.
@zachleat In Ellicott City, MD, people give you funny looks when you don’t wear a mask. Probably a higher cost of living than in the midwest though.
@mislav Man I banged my against using local SSL. I eventually wrote a script to handle it for me once and for all github.com/kingkool68/generate-s…
@snowpunk Verizon FiOS Gigabit
The one downside is you have to deal with Verizon’s weird infinite loop bugs on their site… youtu.be/WQeuinQrxnk
Happy Friday! What’s your current download speeds look like?
@MrAhmadAwais @florinpop1705 Verizon FiOS Gigabit hardwired to the router. $65/month before taxes and fees and weird Verizon charges.
And here is the breakdown of how a digital pregnancy test just reads the results from a regular analog pregnancy test. twitter.com/Foone/status/1301707…
My wife had been checking if she was pregnant, initially with test strips, which can cost as little as 20 cents each. She got some positive readings, so wanted something “more accurate”, a digital test.
Here it is. $12/ea, and it literally just reads a test strip. What a scam. t.co/JGFnytbwFd
3 year old woke up with a minor fever. Fall must be coming…
Custom Select Styles with Pure CSS by @5t3ph
@zachleat Have you read this one? timkadlec.com/remembers/2020-04-…
In case you were ever wanted to know all the ways you can send me money… NOW YOU CAN mo.money/kingkool68
via @smarty
@yonatanbd There are instances where doing something on the backend makes life way easier on the frontend and vice versa.
The con is there is only so much one person can do and it might make sense to split up the frontend and backend roles for a project for efficiency sake.
@wpmodder All my kids have their own WordPress powered sites
I enjoy PHP
It’s officially the last month to complete the census. Pass it on.
Democratic Nominee for #MO01, RN, Ferguson Activist, Fmr National Bernie 2020 Surrogate • I Am the People I Fight For • #fromProtest2Politics • She/her