Isn’t it surprising that in 2023, 15 years after swipe gestures became mainstream, there still isn’t a native “swipe” event? Authors still have to use libraries for such a basic thing or hack it together with low-level pointer events.
Santa is going to have a tough time this year with all of these objects being shot down
@miked1ck all day, every day
@DerekAshauer Paste without formatting then go back and re-add the formatting.
I reviewed over 3,000 design portfolio websites this year.
Here are my top 20 sites from both independent designers and studios. A mega-thread of inspiration:
Oh boy was this morning the Modayest of Monday mornings that ever Mondayed
are you also using the browser address bar to remove formatting from text or are you normal
I don’t think I’ve ever “joined a mailing list” when a pop-up appears 3sec after page load.
Can we stop doing that in 2023?
Blades of Steel
Punch Out
Skate or Die!
mind blown by this every time I think about it 🤯
@neojp @LocalWP I find I have to hard quit out of LocalWP every night and start it up again the next day otherwise it reallllly bogs down.
New look
Who’s hiring amazing #WordPress devs these days?
@learnwithmattc Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Why is this even possible?
You can’t parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can’t be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular……