@mattcampux Here’s what this tweet looks like in Tweetbot
I’m donating my bandwidth at night to help back up tumblr archives. twitter.com/textfiles/status/107…
Imagine if Microsoft adopted Firefox’s rendering engine and collaborated on making web apps on desktop a first class citizen. How awesome would that be. I’ve wanted that since I saw fluidapp.com/ in 2008 or 2009. Still a ways to go…
“Microsoft, in their abandonment of Edge and their own rendering engine, could have done the right thing. Which is to collaborate with Mozilla. It would make for a powerful alliance against Chromium/Chrome dominance.” – ferdychristant.com/the-state-of-…
Well @fchristant sums it up nicely
“They seem fine in it slugging along, in it being buggy. To invest just enough to not let it bleed to death, yet not enough to actually make it a powerful app platform.”
@kingkool68 Yeah, and a lot of the system browsers on GNU/Linux are using WebKit too. And all of the browsers on iOS are WebKit.
talk about dev having a stake in the outcome (this blew my mind):
@colin_howells So with that I created Sprig so I could use Twig to pass date to templates and use WordPress’ escaping functions as Twig filters.
– Separation of logic from presentation
– Reusability
– It’s a separate dependency
– Slight learning curve
@colin_howells @TimberWP Then I read carlalexander.ca/designing-class… from @twigpress and it clicked that you want to pass data to function and let it render the data into a template so it can be reuseable and not tied to WordPress post. It can be reused with different data dynamically or statically.
@colin_howells Then I realized all of the places I’ve seen it being used (like @TimberWP ) is the same way as using inline PHP but a different language. There was a lot of work done to make Twig versions of PHP things and it was really weird to me.
@colin_howells Oh man I’ve got a talk forming in my head about my journey with templating. I used to hate Twig because I didn’t see the need.
Look at how snappy these galleries are from item to item zadieheimlich.com/a-trip-to-roun…
Which front-end framework did I use? React? Vue? Ember? Nope, just AJAX. Source: github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-… and github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
First Gutenberg and now I’ve managed to convert my kids’ WordPress sites to using Twig via my own library called Sprig
Here’s the pull request of the changes github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
Beyoncé-Driven Development continues!
I present to you: HTTBey, HTTP status codes, as illustrated by Bey GIFs.
Shoutout to @girlie_mac for the inspiration!
@kingkool68 @Mailchimp @MailchimpStatus same here!
@mssuelowe @kingkool68 @Mailchimp same here
@kingkool68 @Mailchimp Same here!
@Mailchimp Having trouble creating a new campaign. Getting blank screen at us13.admin.mailchimp.com/campaig…
@Mailchimp Having trouble creating a new campaign. Getting blank screen at us13.admin.mailchimp.com/campaig…
It occurs to me that a Chromium-based Edge is much easier to port to Android than an EdgeHTML-based one.