Does owning your own data mean a return to having a database of some kind? I still love static sites, but is anyone else tired of stitching together different data sources with complex build processes?
Does owning your own data mean a return to having a database of some kind? I still love static sites, but is anyone else tired of stitching together different data sources with complex build processes?
39-year-old with 9 direct reports at a big company: Engineering Manager
22-year-old with no direct reports at a startup: Senior VP of Enterprise CSS and Cloud Strategy
😍 Really nice website design by @mikekus: epic.travel/
Today I am taking my job search to Twitter! I know so many people in the #WordPress community and that is precisely why I am here. If you know me and have worked with me in the community let me see your job offers! It’s time to explore new opportunities.
Hello all! I am ready to join a new team full-time. I have a strong love for design, HTML, CSS, JS, UI component builds, app workflows, animations, transitions… everything that makes the web beautiful, accessible and easy for everyone.
Let’s talk! hexagoncircle.com t.co/baTrwVfJpH
Today (late last night) I published:
“Contextually Marking up accessible images and SVGs”
in it i identify the most robust markup patterns for making accessible images, SVGs, and note how those patterns need to change if used within links and buttons.
Don’t know where to begin with #WordPress’ new editor, #Gutenberg? Fear not, @bethsoderberg & @WordPressDC have you covered. Come out to U.Group tonight for snacks + a Gutenberg crash course! #TechTuesday #eventsinDC bit.ly/2YwXNyK
Hey folks! I’m a front end developer and I’m currently available for work. Looking for a full time position. I’m into JS, CSS, React, Vue.js, Three.js, and game dev. Please pass along any leads you may have.
Also I put some fresh paint on my portfolio!
Soooooo our entire team got laid off with no notice, on a monday- and they didn’t even reach out to let us know it was coming. So there are some great people today looking for pentesting work. I’m among them, and looking to work with a skilled team. Retweets are appreciated.
We’re hiring a UX specialist to work on digital projects @pewresearch. If you’ve got experience with user-centered design & research, prototyping, information architecture, etc. and want to work with a team of nice, smart folks in DC, give this a look pewrsr.ch/ux
Officially getting laid off. Exploring all options, so if you have any part time, full time, or freelance opportunities, please keep me in mind!
a moment of looping silence for YTMND, which quietly shut down yesterday
I noticed that only 4/60 noteworthy contributors on the WordPress 5.2 credit page are women. I seem to be the only one in a developer role. 😕 What can I do to help? If you want to contribute to WordPress and/or Gutenberg, feel free to contact me and I’ll try to help where I can.
I just learned about the <base> element, I didn’t know about it so I thought I’d share:
You can do like:
<base target=”_blank”>
And use base to set properties for all links in the document. Here, every link will open in a new window:
Want to work at a place with a great mission? Like JavaScript? Like Bob Ross? We’re hiring at PBS! pbs.org/about/careers/current-op… “Senior JavaScript Engineer”
Every time I look up prices for professional conferences I am so grateful for how affordable it is to attend a @wordcamp. The barrier to entry for those new in an industry or trying to build a career can be significant.
Are you a software engineer interested in helping fight climate change? Arcadia Power is hiring front end and rails devs – we have a smart, diverse team. Check out arcadiapower.com/careers/ or hit me up directly
hi friends 👋🏽
i’m ready to start my next journey – looking for something new! open to mid-longer term (stable) freelance work or a full-time job 🌟
– updated website, portfolio & resumé: nicoledominguez.com
– super open to relocating, bags are packed 🎒
– DM’s open 💌
Looks like @nclud is still killin’ it! twitter.com/SidebarIO/status/112…
Anybody wants to write an IDE plugin to display the hadouken image automatically within the deeply nested code? t.co/y3Q1xhFt30
Work at @JetBrains. Views are my own. Tweet languages: mostly English, Russian and @Java.