Let’s all take a moment to appreciate the word “flabbergasted”.
Help us name the drag-and-drop pseudo-classes! Fill out this tiny survey: docs.google.com/forms/d/11Wif3cm… Please RT!
INFOGRAPHIC: top ten infographics graphically displaying info #infographic
@skleberdesign So did you enjoy your first An Event Apart conference?
1/2 way through An Event Apart. That means only a day & half left to follow my stream of conscious tweeting over at @russellheimlich #aeadc
@caramcdermott Life as a web developer is constantly being in the middle of a re build.
@caramcdermott You might enjoy this as well -> slideshare.net/kingkool68/buildi…
@meyerweb: “You need to unlearn everything you have learned about web design.” Person behind me: “Again?” #aeadc
Another day of stuffing my belly with delicious food and stuff my brain with great information. Whoa is me. #aeadc
“So what’s the news today?” – anyone who comes in contact with Jeff Bezos today.
Delivering a desktop experience on mobile as “ergonomic lunacy”. Possibly the phrase of the day. @karenmcgrane #aeadc
@TheBilletEstate That weight is clearly all the knowledge not calories. Duh!
@s_plum Do you wear glass a lot? Not just at nerd gatherings I mean..
Design for thumbs. Literally: design for those blunt uncoordinated opposable dangly things on your hands. #AEADC
@DUQE So is “barfing” for really epic ideas.
@shelleyKeith @Robin2go You were sooooo close…
@RPBenton They have Ikdea in Indiana? WHOAAaa….
@GraysonDeRitis Cool thanks!
If you can’t delegate at the pixel level, you’ll never ship. #aeadc