Exactly one week from today WordCamp San Antonio is happening online. For the low, low price of FREE you can attend too!
Exactly one week from today WordCamp San Antonio is happening online. For the low, low price of FREE you can attend too!
Pulled this code out of the 11ty-website repo for easy re-use. Now you can make your own performance leaderboard!
Have a look: github.com/zachleat/performance-…
@MKBHD Not the same thing but an alternative wayfair.com/home-improvement/pdp…
@MKBHD This is a 20 pack theme141-flooring.myshopify.com/…
Stuck in lockdown? Why not kill 15 minutes and help the community by filling out the JAMstack community survey! If you do anything with web sites, we want to hear from you: surveymonkey.com/r/jamstack-surv…
📝 New Post: Maintaining Performance. Or… How I shaved ~33s off my page load times by fixing fonts.
As many of you already know, my company shut down this week. I am immediately looking for something new. I ❤️ @nodejs and @kubernetesio. Looking remote so I can still pick up my children from school every day.
RTs appreciated ❤️
“Isolation” by Joy Division
@salzano While possible it seems false. factcheck.org/2020/03/false-clai…
This is a slick tool for web performance testing from locations around the world.
Here’s an example of the results fastorslow.com/app/profile/1c2f5… twitter.com/isitfastorslow/statu…
@ifyouwillit Can you add @nclud to your WordPress agencies for hire list? ifyouwillit.com/wordpress-agenci…
@miked1ck @NickSloggett @gt FlightAware says it’s currently tracking 7,275 airborne aircraft
I’m playing around with Talky.io for a little bit if anyone wants to drop by talky.io/kingkool68
@beepybop @krees @chriskophoto Someone made a clip c-span.org/video/?c4861995/user-…
@beepybop @krees @chriskophoto His response about using the term “China virus” c-span.org/video/?c4861989/presi…
“Come Out and Play” by The Offspring
You gotta keep em separated
We can now read the Imperial College report on COVID-19 that led to the extreme measures we’ve seen in the US this week. Read it; it’s terrifying. I’ll offer a summary in this thread; please correct me if I’ve gotten it wrong.
Assistant Professor of History @DixieState. Director, @DSUPolitics. Author: The Age of Charisma (@CambridgeUP, 2017). Views: mine, not my institution’s.