@Stammy Like these? amzn.to/2Z67TXM

Russell Heimlich: From Template Tags to Twig: A Journey Through WordPress Templating @kingkool68 @WordCampLanc wordpress.tv/2019/06/02/russell-…

My company is looking for another Senior Software Engineer focused on WordPress. This is a remote position. If you are at @wcmontclair, I would love to chat today. #wcmontclair thegravityapp.com/shared/job?u=1… #jobopening #applynow

Am I the only one who thinks this, along with over-reliance on JavaScript in general, us not a good thing? twitter.com/PhilippSpiess/status…

What is it was just one big lens? twitter.com/MKBHD/status/1134870…

This is why you have off-site backups. So you can get to them if you lose access suddenly to your account. twitter.com/w3Nicolas/status/113…

HBO’s #SiliconValley Confirmed to End With Delayed Season 6 tvline.com/2019/05/31/silicon-va…

If @____lighthouse tells us that our site is 100% accessible, it doesn’t mean it is. To prove that, I built the most inaccessible site possible with a perfect Lighthouse score. #a11y

Why do you rock a board made by a wheel company? comeonman! twitter.com/maxdubler/status/113…

web.archive.org/web/200411301807… twitter.com/mulegirl/status/1134…

Hello world, I give you Zdog 🐶 zzz.dog
Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG t.co/JXhYlCd8Sb

#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bx_Jq4KHlqc/

#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bx_GqBdnjK9/

“Daddy look at my foot”
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bx_GRDYHXpE/

Playground daze.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bx_FwbqH-Ih/

This is 2.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bx_FI7RnF52/

“I want to build webpages that are fast, use the simplest feasible code, and are accessible by as many people as possible”

If you want to learn all the selectors, I am currently working on updating my 7+ year old selectors talk at estelle.github.io/CSS/selectors/
If you want to learn specificity, check out speciFISHity.com, starring plankton, sharks and fish