Vroom vroom!
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bx8Of6KBorn/

Vroom vroom!
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bx8Of6KBorn/
Vroom vroom!
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bx8Of6KBorn/
@Adriana_Lacy I built a thing to tweet out Instagram photos embedded in the tweet. Just like the good old days github.com/kingkool68/ig2twitter
Tea cups.
#ZadieAlyssa #jollyrogers instagram.com/p/Bx6IZHYnprB/
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bx6Ha-2Hpnw/
Heart Flip.
#ZadieAlyssa #spinning #jollyrogers instagram.com/p/Bx6Gb3WH8D4/
Roller coastering.
#ZadieAlyssa #bw #rollercoaster #jollyrogers #hairinthewind instagram.com/p/Bx6CxdQHZSN/
@jason_coleman I stumbled on this today jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/use…
@elgreg @mikemccaffrey “Why is there a stand-alone toilet in your Pittsburgh basement?”
We silly.
#VeraAddison #selfie instagram.com/p/Bx1mxCXHaWx/
Love the name (not so much a fan of the technique)
But did I say I love the name? twitter.com/elliottrichmond/stat…
Eye roll as strong as 1000 suns… twitter.com/VanderHead/status/11…
😍 Really nice website design by @mikekus: epic.travel/
@jfc3 @AccessibilityDC @AccessibleJoe @joedolson @nacin @aaronjorbin @DavidAKennedy I don’t have direct experience but wordpress.org/plugins/charitable… might work
Super handy mini spreadsheet tool in your browser. twitter.com/ginatrapani/status/1…
Hello all! I am ready to join a new team full-time. I have a strong love for design, HTML, CSS, JS, UI component builds, app workflows, animations, transitions… everything that makes the web beautiful, accessible and easy for everyone.
Let’s talk! hexagoncircle.com t.co/baTrwVfJpH
Today (late last night) I published:
“Contextually Marking up accessible images and SVGs”
in it i identify the most robust markup patterns for making accessible images, SVGs, and note how those patterns need to change if used within links and buttons.
@ASpittel You’re not. I wanted to be a video editor but found myself making more websites than editing videos.
I also learned JavaScript on accident russellheimlich.com/blog/how-i-l…
WordPress 5.2.1 Maintenance Release wordpress.org/news/2019/05/wordp…
Updates and other fun stuff related to WordPress.org (that’s the self-hosted version). For support: WordPress.org/support/