Windows 98 Icons are great
Windows 98 Icons are great
I Didn’t Want to Be a Manager Anymore — and the World Didn’t End medium.com/gusto-engineering/i-d… via @instapaper
.@chrismessina created some of the ideas that shape the internet today, including the idea for the hashtag, popularizing the coworking movement, and co-founding BarCamp meetups. The common denominator of his projects? He gave them all away for free.
bit.ly/2QvhHFM t.co/B2FyGjioyh
@andybelldesign Also comes with a separate theme github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@andybelldesign It is. Powered by WordPress and open source github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@andybelldesign Does archiving my tweets at tweets.kingkool68.com count?
Friends! Myself and fellow good engineers got caught in the crossfire of this today. Hit me up, DMs open. SF Bay Area. Infra and architecture and application engineering and tough problems are our jam ❤️🧡💛👩💻 twitter.com/AP/status/1086208139…
Anyone use Coherence? bzgapps.com/coherencepro
Join our team. We’re in search of full stack developers.
@StuRobson @andybelldesign Check out discoverdev.io/
My amazing team at Intuit is hiring a product designer. If you love user interface design, talking with customers, and driving product strategy, you should really join us. careers.intuit.com/job-category/…
HTTP/3 is coming to make the web even faster
@daljo628 *Reads the actual ticket*
Oh I see now. Neat.
This is big.
That pesky 9th District Court just ruled in Robles v Domino’s that the ADA applies to web sites.
Courts can now order companies to make their sites WCAG 2.0 compliant.
Cool I didn’t know you could use twitter.com/<username>/profile_image?size=bigger
to fetch any Twitter users avatar. Neat. twitter.com/zachleat/status/1085…
@designtlc here’s that Instagram scraper we talked about github.com/kingkool68/ig2twitter
This was actually a lot of fun! twitter.com/websitemgmt/status/1…
Slides from my talks at @WordPressDC tonight on SVGs (kingkool68.com/wp-svg/#/) and Dynamic Image Resizing in WordPress (kingkool68.com/making-images-sma…)
Thanks @agencyCHIEF
Come out to CHIEF *tonight* as we welcome @WordPressDC presenter @kingkool68 set to give talks on scalable vector graphics + on-demand image resizing in #WordPress. RSVP ➡️bit.ly/2DcK7B6 #WordPressDC #DCtech #SVGs
I’m looking for a new job, can you help me find one? I do UX, content strategy, technical writing, and program management. I’m also an O’Reilly author and I often speak at tech/design conferences. Calgary, AB, or can relocate in North America. linkedin.com/in/clarissapeterson…
Strategy Director, writer, speaker, educator. Author Learning Responsive Web Design (O’Reilly). Married to @AJKandy. She/her. #a11y #BlackLivesMatter #MMIW