Put CSS in JavaScipt. twitter.com/kica333/status/10685…
Put CSS in JavaScipt. twitter.com/kica333/status/10685…
it’s just natural that there’d be a psone.css once nes.css became a thing 😆
@Rmmmsy @calder12 There’s also pagely.com/blog/northstack-serve… and getshifter.io
“What is not okay is if you don’t want to use something and at the same time tell others what they do is easy or useless. Even worse is if you try to tell experts in their field that they are doing it all wrong and that they should do it »your way«.” justmarkup.com/log/2018/11/just-…
Playground buddies.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bq2dB24lg4B/
@MikeNGarrett @nacin It’s like @nacin has left all of the answers for us scattered across the Internet for us to find like a big easter egg hunt
Just updated Colorbox.io to support *locking* a color, which allows you to set a hex value. The curve will ease through that hex value and include it as an output. The update also adds linear to the curves list. Would love your feedback about this!
NES-style CSS Framework bcrikko.github.io/NES.css/
Techmeme is just printing money. So smart. twitter.com/gaberivera/status/10…
@davatron5000 Anyhoo. You want to set `removeViewBox` to false. Looks like that checks for width and height and viewbox and then strips the viewbox attribute See github.com/svg/svgo/blob/master/…
WhenIsGutenbergGoingToBeReleased… twitter.com/photomatt/status/106…
“Or consider not using a framework at all. For websites that primarily display content, it’s more efficient and cost-effective to just send some server-rendered HTML down the wire.”
The Baseline Costs of JavaScript Frameworks
@round like this one twitter.com/round/status/9388132…
This is pretty amazing. @mathematicsprof wrote a cat food company about how they could minimize material if each can’s height equals its diameter. They wrote back with this. twitter.com/mathematicsprof/stat…
@taupecat Official “WordPress 5.0, due for release November 27 , 2018.” make.wordpress.org/core/5-0/ vs. “it’s not plausible for it to be the on 27th” make.wordpress.org/core/2018/11/…
I wrote about software performance with the @inkandswitch lab: inkandswitch.com/slow-software.h…
Hardware gets faster, but our everyday software is still slow. What’s going on? 🔍
Nothing like a little black Friday Christmas Tree shopping. This place charges $53 per tree to matter the size as long as you cut it yourself. My dad got his money’s worth and picked up a 14 footer. @naudebynature and I got a more instagram.com/p/BqjN7n4H2ym/
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btw, if it’s useful to anyone else, this is the bash script that I use to deploy all my wp plugins from github to svn:
I help make @WordPress. @Jetpack Code Monkey. Electronics and Letterpress. 34. He/Him. Bi. Polyam. 💞