Pre-nap selfie.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BpNrX4uH8bm/

Pre-nap selfie.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BpNrX4uH8bm/
Hanging out in a tree like Halloween decorations.
#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/BpNpZyLn6nu/
The best hide-and-go-seek spot is in Daddy’s closet.
#VeraAddison #hideandseek instagram.com/p/BpM43RTlyOG/
@round @rollinleonard Yea… totes… twitter.com/round/status/4285983…
“Look what I made. Take a picture and out it on my website.” Untitled
Medium: Cocoa Puffs and Belgian Waffle
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BpHUClIn4FC/
Observed: developers build the actual product, but they’re left with bare scraps of time to do it after we designers burn weeks on comps that ultimately get thrown away.
Here’s how I’ve shifted my process for better collaboration, better products: bigmedium.com/ideas/only-one-del…
I read through all of the ballot questions residents in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties will be voting on in November and broke down, in human language, what they all mean: wamu.org/story/18/10/18/ballot-q…
Watch out! They’ve got to clean up the worst crime district in the world. But that’s no problem. They’re the worst police force in the universe.
To protect, to serve… and make you laugh. America’s funniest crimebusters are back!
@chriscoyier Here’s an example: codepen.io/kingkool68/pen/oaqxre
Typity type type.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bo-2Mg1H3ZG/
This looks fantastic. It looks like what Gutenberg core should be. . .a PHP API for building blocks. You don’t have to write a line of custom JS to be able to use the power of Gutenberg. A good PHP API like this will empower WordPress is so many ways.
Nice use of dummyimage.com right there… twitter.com/odannyboy/status/104…
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bo4z_7FnnBk/
Off to the playground!
#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bo4yuaLnfFb/
I hadn’t heard of the Request Map Generator tool before, but it looks like a *super* useful tool: trentwalton.com/notes/2018/05/30… #aeaorl
I have resigned as the WordPress accessibility team lead. Here is why.
#wordpress #a11y #wpa11y
Dear users, please stop looking for the thing you were always told to look for and now look for a different thing instead (but only in one browser). Also, read and understand the other thing that users are terrible at reading and understanding. twitter.com/myetherwallet/status…
The Internet’s keepers? “Some call us hoarders—I like to say we’re archivists” arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/10/t… by @nathanmattise
@chipcullen Well looky here… bradfrost.com/blog/post/sass-sel…
I love this story, about a guy who has saved several gigabytes of horrendous banner ads from the early 2000s: motherboard.vice.com/en_us/artic…
Editor-in-chief @motherboard // jason@motherboard.tv Signal: 347-513-3688