These are awesome twitter.com/el33th4xor/status/93…
These are awesome twitter.com/el33th4xor/status/93…
“Triggering a large number of requests in an HTTP/2 environment is no longer inherently bad for performance; transferring unnecessary data is. Only transfer what your users actually need. Nothing more, nothing less.” @ddprrt
I’ve learned a lot about the tech industry from my friends I’ve gained many female role models because of it. My daughter (12) wants to interview you.
Females, what inspired you to get into tech?
Is that a pizza slice container or are you just bopping to some tunes? twitter.com/chappelltracker/stat…
Here it is. Logo Pizza vol. 2 🍕 50 logos hot & ready for sale, 33 all new logo.pizza
@taupecat I’ll coach you… youtube.com/watch?v=YOuDjdN2csw
#thisisourlifenow instagram.com/p/Bb_EGs0ld5T/
@mpiccorossi You should buy this for everyone in the office shirt.woot.com/?ref=w_gh_sh_8
@loopconf Did you get my submission? I’m not sure it went through (Twitter handle at Gmail.com)
Ooos and ahhs about CSS grid as @taupecat presents at the November WordPress DC instagram.com/p/BbxyV5FFTJH/
@daljo628 Trying to run my own photon server for testing some stuff… What rewrite rules do I need to make it work? code.trac.wordpress.org/browser/…
@trepmal Setup Smart Lock support.google.com/nexus/answer/…
@trepmal There are probably better apps out there but play.google.com/store/apps/detai… is what I use to automatically backup my phone to my NAS while charging
The most Atlanta thing to ever happen? MARTA bus parks right in front of The Weather Channel’s Dome implosion shot 🤦 on-ajc.com/2jItypp t.co/MW9wwTU09I
The WordPress #CSSGrid Tour of 2017 makes its third and final stop tomorrow night. Come to #WPDC and learn the latest layout tool in your CSS arsenal. taupe.cat/2ziNLcm
Be there *and* be square! t.co/TFfZcGSJhq
Nirvana—”The Man Who Sold the World” twitter.com/PAYOLETTER/status/93…
Announcing WordPress 4.9 “Tipton,” with customization improvements, code error checking, &… wordpress.org/news/2017/11/tipto… t.co/B681tDSx9l
In 2018 I’m wanto to work on moving apps off the main thread to reach 🏃120fps
📝More details in my blog post:
Web Advocate. Internetrovert. Craving simplicity, finding it nowhere. Engineer @Google