@Boomchickapop Your bags make great newborn sleeping bags twitter.com/kingkool68/status/84…
@Boomchickapop Your bags make great newborn sleeping bags twitter.com/kingkool68/status/84…
Come work with us this summer! dnvr.it/2mA8fXW twitter.com/dnvrite/status/84540…
We’re hiring a video and motion graphics producer @pewresearch. Come work with me! pewrsr.ch/video-producer
Boom Chicka Pop! These 4 weeks have just flown by. #VeraAddison #costcofinds #bigbag instagram.com/p/BSBvNVIF8tI/
AWS IAM Policies in a Nutshell #geekystuff
Please fill out this editing experience survey to influence the future of the WordPress editor. wordpressdotorg.polldaddy.com/s/…
I answered 9 of 10 questions correctly on the @pewresearch Cybersecurity Quiz pewrsr.ch/2nK1X8c
TheConferenceWiFiWillWorkLabs.io twitter.com/Thomas_Wendt/status/…
Little girl in a polka dot world #ZadieAlyssa #infinitekusama instagram.com/p/BSAKlD_lJzk/
Zadie and the Technicolor infinity room #ZadieAlyssa #infinitekusama instagram.com/p/BSAIC7vlIzn/
It’s breaking the web. twitter.com/firt/status/84496799…
@boagworld Here you go gist.github.com/kingkool68/a3515…
Download that PHP file and put it in your plugins directory.
On how to be a better programmer jlongster.com/How-I-Became-Bette…
Night duty. 😗👶 #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BR4qb3HldKe/
Monday morning! Back to the grind like youtube.com/watch?v=wOAlF2WJn1w
⭐New blog post: Guetzli, Google’s New JPEG Encoder telejec.tv/2mJy0B3
Even a crusty editor like me can get caught up in a cheesy love story like this once and a while #pizzapuns billypenn.com/2017/03/19/peppero…
Editor, @billy_penn: A Philly news start-up; Ex-@PhillyInquirer, @mcall; @penn_state-er; suburban husband/dad; mildly obsessive about digital journalism.